Michael Kills Jeremy

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(With Annoyance)

Ever since the whole Squip incident, Michael was flocked by women and men alike who breathed in his every word. It was no better when he was elected the student body president of the school. They looked at him as if he were some kind of God, he couldn't understand how the kids at his high school actually enjoyed the attention.

The bright side of being cool, though, was the fact that nobody cared for things that were so important before. So Michael took pride in the fact that he could be himself and people still admired him.

The boy in the red hoodie walked into his house, expecting Jeremy to be there since his parents were gone and the boy was sick. "Honey, I'm home," he bellowed.

Jeremy walked from out of the kitchen, a scowl plastered on his face, "You're cooking or buying food tonight. You're not tricking me again."

Michael groaned, eyeing Jeremy as he plopped himself on the couch and in front of the television that Michael's mother didn't want to keep anymore. They were grateful for all the things they got from Michael's moms, seeing as Jeremy spent a lot of time at Michael's house. The basement was their hideout, whenever they couldn't be in Michael's room because of his shipper of a mother.

"Come on Jer-Bear," the boy with the red hoodie pleaded. Jeremy sniffled indignantly, fighting off his awful cold that had come as soon as winter had arrived.

"No, I am sick," he whined. The lighter haired boy shoved a pillow over his face, quickly taking it off since he couldn't breathe through his nose as it was. Michael made his way over to Jeremy, sitting beside him silently. "Are you okay? You're kind of qui-"

Jeremy was caught off as Michael pulled the small framed boy onto his lap, hugging him tightly.

"I was totally right, bro," he muttered into Jeremy's hair. "Guys like us are cool in college."

Jeremy struggled to get out of his embrace before deciding there was nothing he could do to escape. "Correction, guys like you are cool in college. Plus, we're still in high school."

This was obviously a lie, seeing as many students viewed Jeremy as cute and adorable and someone who needed protection at all costs. He was Michael's queen based off numerous rumors, despite him actually being male. But he was oblivious to it, not really noticing things if it didn't directly involve his old life or Michael.

In the end, they ordered takeaway, eating it while watching The Princess and the Frog, Michael's favorite Disney movie. Jeremy favored Frozen since he thought Olaf was the best part.

Ever since the sick boy acquired his cold, nightmares reached him in the night. More specifically, ones about the Squip.

This particular dream had struck a nerve as Jeremy shot up from his sleep. His loud shriek of momentary terror had woken up Michael, the boy besides him. Soon, realizing it was just a dream, he cried. The small boy cried like there was no tomorrow, Michael confused as to what was happening, thinking he was still sleeping.

"Jeremy," Michael called out groggily, Jeremy tried to quiet down but it was no use. The light flickered on and Michael was sitting up. "Hey, it's okay, it was just a nightmare."

Jeremy sunk into the embrace, gripping Michael's shirt as if his life depended on it. Michael waited silently, letting Jeremy cry until his sobs died out.

"I-I'm sorry," the boy sniffled. He pulled away, looking down ashamed at his outburst. On the bright side, it felt as if his cold had gone. "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry. I'm gonna always be here."

Jeremy struggled not start crying again after that, "But I wasn't there for you, Mikey. When I took the Squip."

"That wasn't your fault," Michael said softly as he pet his potential boyfriend's hair.

"But it was, it was all of my fau-"

Michael Mell was hit by a force so hard that everything around him turned white. Once things dimmed down, he realized Jeremy was no longer besides him. The basement was not stocked. Bustling could be heard above, signaling his parents were home.

Obviously extremely confused, the boy reached out to grab his phone. Except the date surprised him.

Michael was no longer in the present. The boy was in the past.

The Squip had yet to come.

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