You Go Home

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I think I'm gonna end it happy. If there's an epilogue then I'm probably gonna continue with a sequel.

"So we have Jake," Bax read off his list, quizzing me on things that happened during our stay in the Be More Chill plot line.

"Um, parents laundered money and abandoned him," I said unsurely. "But in this version of the story, his mom came back and apologized and didn't even get mad when the house was burned down."

Bax waved his hand in dismissal, "You missed the part about buying a new house to forget about the father, but all is forgiven, baby."

That was definitely a musical reference, I could tell by his reappearing smirk that it was.

He hummed,  "Let's go Michael."

I looked over to where he sat, munching on a croissant. At least it wasn't glass this time, but his endless crunching was ruining my focus. Slowly, I placed to hands on his cheeks, he stopped chewing. With a grin, I found this as my time to recall all that had happened with Michael. "He suffered through this whole chain of events and watched his... boyfriend get squipped again while his parents were out of town so he couldn't vent to them or anything?"

Bax glared at me, slapping my hands away from his face, "No, no, no, no, no. Michael is suicidal, a drug addict, AND whatever you just said."

My eye twitched, "Are you serious?"

"Next person, our dearest Rich," he announced mockingly. Friendship moment was gone, lost forever in the wind of regret and despair. Maybe I was being dramatic but Bax always knows how to ruin a moment, it's literally always an option in his head.

"Rich, a great friend and beautiful person," I brought up to Bax who just rolled his eyes in response. "Took a Squip, which in my opinion is kind of dumb, but he did it for his own reasons. And it really didn't work out when the poor boy was being shamed for his lisp, something that he can't control and something that he can't change about himself. Squips make me sick," I spat.

Bax raised his eyebrows, "You're forgetting something."

What? I can't be forgetting anything, besides RichJake happening, but Bax gets annoyed when I talk about that ship.

"Remember that one time where he beat you up and you almost died?" He questioned with a grin threatening to creep up on him. I tried to shove him off the bed, but as I did, he latched onto my ankle causing me to fall ever so gracefully on top of him. He let out a squeak of pain, annoyance, I don't know, something.

Soon our positions were flipped and he was looking down at me mischievously.

"So you do remember?" Bax inquired cheekily, now being over top of me. I pretended to die immediately after I saw his face because I heard somewhere that female dragonflies do that whenever they see a guy they don't like.

A pat to my face.

Two more pats.

A blow to my ear.

I made sure to give him no response, hoping he'd get off of me without me having to use my already bruised vocal chords. Screaming can take a lot out of you, but it can be fun.

Instead he giggled happily, very out of character, "Guess, I'll have to kiss you to wake you up."

My eyes snapped open and I made an attempt to leave but found myself wanting this to happen. Thoughts were running through my head, all towards what would happen if this really occurred. He could be killed, I could be killed, he could be seriously-

"I can hear you rambling," he said softly before connecting our lips silently.

Now kissing never made sense to me sometimes. I mean, what was so satisfying about your mouth touching someone else's mouth? Isn't that unsanitary? Why do people yearn for that kind of affection? But as Bax kissed me sweetly, a drastic contrast in comparison with his normal attitude, I felt myself falling into a rhythm that only we knew at the moment.

I was the first to pull away, not used to the lack of air during a kiss, but Bax smiled nonetheless with pinker lips.

"You're cooking the goodbye dinner before we leave," he said happily before trotting off, leaving me on the floor with a bewildered look on my face as I grew more annoyed by the second.

Somewhere Far Away
(Which Means Where Boyf Riends Is Happening)

Michael sat on the basement floor against a bean bag chair with Jeremy slouched in his lap. The two were playing Mario Kart since they were desensitized when it came to shooting games and games that dealt with death, so switching it up might be fun.

"Did you just hit me with a shell?" Michael questioned annoyed, nuzzling Jeremy's hair with his chin.

Jeremy cackled dramatically before crying out in shock as his side of the screen was splattered with black ink from what could only come from a squid. Michael smirked to himself as the lanky boy complained.

"Mikey, no," he whined. The end game screen popped up, Michael being in first place while Jeremy tossed his controller away from him. The boy who usually wore a red hoodie, now in just a shirt and boxers, followed suit. "This game is boring."

Michael snorted adorably, "That's because you lost."

Jeremy placed a hand on his chest delicately, looking offended. "That is not true, you just don't play fair."

"You hit me with a shell first."

Jeremy muttered a 'true' before wrapping himself in his best friend and boyfriend's arms. The two lounged lazily, just being happy in each other's grasp. Suddenly a thought hit Jeremy as he pulled back, staring at Michael determined. With a quick and forceful kiss to the lips that they both enjoyed thoroughly, Michael cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"What's going on up there?" He inquired, tapping on Jeremy's forehead playfully. "I'm going to Yale," the boy in blue said happily.

At first, Michael was shocked, but as he found truth in the statement, he started flailing around with excitement. "That's-that's amazing! Jeremy, we have to celebrate! We have to- we have to-"

"Eat candy and watch a movie?" Jeremy suggested with a cute and small grin on his lips.

Michael shrugged, "I was gonna say something else, but that works, too."

As the day came to a close, so did the Be More Chill story.

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