Your Friend Christine

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I could've wished a thousand wishes • For this night I can't believe • That it's finally me and you and you and me • Just us, and your friend ***Christine

Oh, I might post again today, or just post it tomorrow. But in the end the next chapter is about Bax's background, like what he his and who his family is as well as his whole species. I don't know, it's probably boring, but then again I think everything I write is boring.

The school day had been boring, but that was school for you. Lunch time came and I met up with Rich outside, under a tree. Apparently Jake as well as Christine as they sat beside each other, too close for comfort in my taste.

Rich believed the whole Squip dilemma and promised not to tel anyone, Bax kept his appearances to a minimum seeing how attached Christine grew to a new face, Jake and Rich were still very awkward towards each other. And the fact that Bax told me to become better friends with Jake made the situation worse as I always caught sad looks from a pining Rich.

Christine seemed to be the odd one out as she was "hanging out" a lot more with Jake. So if I hung out with her, Jake would be her company and Rich would be my guest.

I would have assumed people would be hogging all the spots under the trees but apparently people didn't like to eat in the cold. I didn't have my jacket today since a girl in one of my earlier class periods had started a certain bloody cycle that had showed. Feeling empathetic since it could be very embarrassing, I gave her my jacket which she took gratefully.

Jake stood up at the sight of me walking out of the building. Leaving his food and bag under the tree, he quickly pulled off his jacket. Under the impression he was offering me his coat, I refused. "N-No, thank you. You're not g-getting sick on my watch, Ba- I mean Rich told me to look after you."

He trailed behind me as I walked towards the large trunk of the tree that was already half frozen. "Rich is not my mom, Y/N."

I nodded taking a seat under the tree, looking up at him since he didn't take a seat yet. "Yes, b-but he's your friend. Therefore I watch after you if told." My phrases were filled with stutters from both the cold and the uncomforted feeling that came from being in between an unrequited love situation. And if Rich noticed my awkward demeanor next to Jake from his seat besides Christine, he didn't say anything.

Jake rolled his eyes before taking a seat with outstretched legs. "We're friends, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything," he teased before ruffling my hair. I slapped at his hands trying to get him to stop treating me like a small puppy.

"J-Jake, stop," I hissed. Rich kept glancing at the interactions while he continued his conversation with Christine. He obeyed and kept his hands to himself while he drew silently. I rolled my eyes eating an apple, finishing the rest of my lunch fast. But a large portion of the lunch period was still there, ticking away slowly as I shivered in the cold watching Jake sketch a person.

Finalizing the nose, Jake put everything back in his bag. We sat for a moment in silence. I studied Rich who had stopped talking with Christine, knowing he was planning to make a move on Jake. Before he could speak, Christine was pulled into Jake's hold in a not very graceful manner.

The short girl was surprised by this but didn't make a move to leave. I didn't blame her because she was so naive and oblivious and rambunctious, but I felt very bad because Rich lost his courage and just shuffled over next to me.

I shivered only slightly now that his arm was up against mine, so I had absorbed a tiny bit more body heat.

Bax on the other hand was not having it.

Why are you touching him?

Because he's sad. And also I'm very cold, why was I not informed about this?

That's not the point, the point is I don't like you touching him.

Rich has done literally nothing wrong.

I felt him move a bit before putting an arm around me, in need of platonic comfort but this would have been seen in a different way easily by onlookers. And most importantly, Bax.

Look at what is happening, he has to be with Jake; not you.

He just needed a hug, and it's not my fault since you plan all of my outfits and it's really cold, so the hug is appreciated.

I don't like this one bit.

I'm not sure you ever do like the things I do on my own.

Just make sure you don't do anything that'll mess up the plot again.

Cool, cool. Now leave.

Without much waiting, Bax left quickly. I let a sigh of relief and Rich noticed my relaxation. "Were you talking to your Squip?" He asked quietly, something he didn't usually do.

Loud was definitely his strong suit.

I nodded soundly, "Yeah. You remember Bax."

"He doesn't like me," Rich chuckled.

I nodded once more, "He really doesn't."

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