Michael's Pants

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After having a long and influential talk with Mr. Heere, he had agreed to go to Kohl's to get some pants. The man also stressed to me that if I loved his son, I needed to put my pants on. While this may have been taken literally for him, it went a little deeper for me. It was obvious Jeremy wasn't used to taking an initiative, I always had to push him until he did. So I guess I had to wear the pants in our relationship, our very platonic relationship, of course.

"I'm not what he wants," I cast my eyes down in shame at the fact that my best friend didn't even want me.

Mr. Heere snapped his fingers, causing me to look at him, "You're what he needs. Jeremy doesn't need me as much as he needs you and that's a hard thing to say as a parent."

"This all my fault," I groaned in frustration. I watched as the pantless adult paced the room, I pulled my sleeves down as his worrying and anticipation was causing me to grow anxious as well.

He shook his head, "No, it's not. But we're talking about Jeremy, here. He's always wanted to be cool, but I never thought he'd give you up for that."

I smiled at his words but it fell quickly as I didn't have the strength in mind to keep it up and plastered on my face.

"You know what," Mr. Heere announced. "You can save him. I know you can, boy. You've always been there for him, what makes this time different, yeah?"

Standing quickly at this, I made a bargain, "If I help him, you need to start acting like a parent."

His eyebrows furrowed.

"Y-You need to be there for Jeremy. And as much as it hurts me to say this, he spends more nights at my house than his own and that needs to stop. Another thing is Jeremy is still a kid, and he tries to make dinner for you. Have you even seen the burns on his hands and arms?"

Mr. Heere opened his mouth to retaliate, but I was too quick for him, "And guess who helped heal those? Me! His friend! Not to mention you need to start putting on some freaking pants, sir, because I know that I would get tired of seeing my mom with only her underwear on even if it's for a few minutes. I can't imagine what Jeremy felt like..."

The older man fell silent after the short lecture he was giving, soaking in every word like a kid who wanted to know about something he shouldn't know.

"Okay," he said quietly. "I'll-I'll get some pants from the store-"

I reminded him, "Kohl's."

"Yes," Mr. Heere nodded. "I'll go to Kohl's and get some pants. While in the meantime, you go save my kid. One last time."

The man clapped me on the back and I offered another smile, pulling on my backpack. As I walked out the door, my mind changed its course from Jeremy's dad to Jeremy.

Next stop: The Play

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