You Know Rich

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A/N: If you want to know what you did to change the plot line, here you go: When you asked Christine about Jeremy (flashback to "His friend?") she took it the wrong way and thought about how nice Jeremy and Michael would look as a couple. So instead of a plot with badly hidden gayness, you get something a little different.

The significantly short boy brought Jake up to his feet, well, a little higher than that as his fist gripped onto Jake's shirt and lifted him with ease. "You wanna talk behind my back? Well too bad," he growled with glassy eyes.

Was I missing something...?

Jake was obviously surprised with Rich's strength as he merely stared at him apologetically and with shock. The blond had glassy eyes as he let Jake go and watched as he tried to get up again.

Hey, Bax. I'm seriously missing something.

Shush, the best part is coming, watch.

I obeyed and watched as Rich began to cry, his lisp mixing in with his stutter, making him seem like a kicked puppy. The kicked puppy that everyone wants to comfort and protect and scoop in their arms.

"Dude- uh -why are you crying?" Jake asked bluntly.

"Stop," Rich ordered weakly. His voice grew harsher, "Today has been the worst day of my life and you-you-you are being of no help."

It's like watching a soap opera, Bax observed with awe. As much as I didn't like him watching things through my eyes, it was kind of funny to hear his reactions.

"I have found out something about myself, that not only is different, but my 'friends' are leaving and making fun of me every corner I turn," he did air quotes when he said the word friends. Jake only peered down, letting him ramble.

"Everyone is-is leaving me," Rich's voice cracked. "And I thought that you'd be my friend, since I know we weren't-we weren't good friends but you still talk to me. But now you're off spreading gossip to- Oh boy."

Jake looked torn between denying Rich's claim, hugging the boy, or find out why he was staring at me with familiarity. He chose the latter.

I got a better look at Rich, studying his familiar face before widening my eyes.

"You're that Rich," I anything but shrieked. He nodded dumbly before rushing forward to give me a hug.

Why didn't you tell me?

Ha, I may or may not have taken some of your memories out of your head...


What? I can't have your emotions messing this up even further.

"Wait, I'm lost," Jake interrupted.

Rich wiped at his eyes before speaking, "One time, when I was out and completely wasted, Y/N here stopped me from getting run over by a car."

I nodded slowly, "I almost died, and all he did was giggle like a lunatic."

"And when was this?" Jake asked incredulously.

Rich and I looked at each other, at a loss since we both couldn't recall when this happened.

I'm not gonna give you that part back, sorry not sorry.

I hate you.

Sure, sure.

The bell rang loudly, and kids soon flooded the hall, making our little meet up seem like we were just one of the first students out of class. Rich and Jake chatted quietly before Jake left the shorter boy standing there looking down at his feet.

I went to go and ask him if he was okay, but Christine jumped in and greeted me.

"Hi," she said in an odd voice. "Oh, is that Rich? He looks sad."

Christine took my silence as a yes as she approached Rich, after a minute or two she came back with him in tow.

She grinned, Rich flushed red in embarrassment at the glances he got, "Look who's hanging out with us today."

Mission RichJake is a go, eh?

I'm still angry with you.

We both know it won't last, ребëнок.

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