You Hate Play Rehearsal

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So the idea of practicing freely in a space with people who'll support you and will laugh if you say something that's meant to be funny seems amazing. Being able to be nicely criticized without feeling like a failure. Having a whole cast as a sort of family. Great, right?

Wrong, no, rethink your life. Everything comes with a catch.

As the amount of people was minimal but not scarily bare, Christine was the only person I could cling to in hope of nobody else trying to socially interact with me. But alas, she seemed taken to talking with Jeremy, leaving feeling like a third wheel.

"Yo," Jeremy greeted awkwardly. Christine obviously had no idea how nervous the tall boy was.

She grinned before taking on a low voice, "Yo."

"Is this where you meet for the play?" His voice cracked as he fiddled with the ends of a lock of hair that hung too low in his face.

I crossed my arms, eyebrows raised, "No, this is where we meet for the swim team."

Christine and I chuckled lightly at Jeremy's bewildered look before she spoke, "She's joking." Jeremy's eyes raked over me as I saluted him, putting two fingers to my forehead and pointing them at him swiftly before dropping my hand completely.

"I know you," he pulled at the hem of his blue cardigan. "You do," I nodded keenly, Christine joined in, thinking we were playing a game of some sort.

"You know what," I announced. "I'm going to leave you two alone."

What are you doing?

The two didn't seem aware of my small squeak of discomfort at the sudden jolt in my brain. I thought they were supposed to get together in the end.

Hello? Don't you remember the whole mini crisis earlier? The plot has changed. The ending is different.

Well, you haven't really given me a whole new synopsis of what I'm supposed to do. I sighed quietly to myself, staring at the interaction between Jeremy and Christine.

I suppose. Do you want it now?


My head fell in slow motion, landing on my knees that I wrapped my arms around. So as I wasn't knocked out, everything was black, meaning Bax was going to display my new instructions on my eyelids. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. Doing this in a public setting was risky, but then again I'd probably just look like a kid who was too tired.

The new and improved Be More Chill is a story that takes place in a high school, focusing on a boy named Jeremy Heere. He is (still) given a futuristic device that was banned and manufactured in Japan, it is called a S.Q.U.I.P. The Squip is devastatingly controlling, taking away his friend who should be a future love interest to Jeremy. In the process of becoming cool and successfully obtaining Christine as his girlfriend, he ruins Michael's life.

So basically you're just trying to save Michael's life, both literally and figuratively because that boy is a bit of a wreck.

To stop that from happening, you have three main things to accomplish:

Talk To Michael And Let Him Know He Has An Ally

Keep Rich From Dying In The Fire Because Of Unrequited Love

De-Squip The Whole Cast In The School Play

Im legit dying of laughter because everything is going to be harder to do since you were being careless.

Hey, that's not very nice.

But it's true.

His words still flashed brightly on my eyelids, embedding in my brain like they would if I hadn't closed my eyes.

So, how do I open my eyes?

Are you sure you want to do that?

Bax, I'm not playing around.

I'm serious, it's not like I have fun watching you save book plots. Kind of. Are you sure though? Taking a nap would be much more efficient seeing how detrimental you are.

I want to open my eyes!


So how do I do it?

You can't.


Well not until someone physically interacts with you. That Christine girl will come soon enough, don't you worry.

Seriously, what's your damage? You've hated me since the very beginning for no rea-

"Hey, Y/N," Christine waved at my eyes that were blinking rapidly, adjusting to the bright lights. "Man, you really are tired."

Told ya so.

I refrained from speaking to him, focusing solely on Christine an Jeremy who looked like he'd die on the spot. "Oh, yeah he's just nervous, first time."

So you're giving me the silent treatment.

"Ha ha, yeah it's my first time, too," I assured Jeremy. He visibly relaxed at my forced laugh, and I felt Bax get more aggravated in my head before leaving all at once.

Serves him right.

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