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The first signs of Winter had been made prominent over the past few days. The way your breath swirled in the air, the fact that stores had been stocking up on holiday scents that you could smell all the way in the back, and the way people had found it in themselves to be a tad bit nicer even if it wasn't noticeable. It all meant that it was your time to travel again. It was your time to take those horrid pills to save yet another story plot that you wouldn't be credited for.

You shut your door quietly, trying not to bother your parents who were doing God knows what. The bottle of fluorescent colored pills that looked like candies sat barely touched in the drawer.

They sat there every year, mocking you in the dark, the single strip of moonlight always shining on it upon opening the drawer.

But all those times where you were feeling desperate were not the right times. You didn't feel a strong pain flow through you, signaling you to help a story and it's characters make it to a somewhat decent ending. The only time you felt it was the third day before winter.

That was the day in which everybody around you would carry on with their lives, not giving you and your life a single thought. This is because the memory of you ever existing has been stripped from their brains. You had somehow been chosen out of all of the people in this world to fulfill this duty. At least until you die.

And the possibility of death coming to you was very high, seeing as people tended to write a lot of death filled books in your time era.

You took a seat on your bed, feeling the springs in the mattress tense underneath you. The veins in your hands twitched, an itching feeling rushing upon you as your eyes darted to the drawer in which the thing you hated yet loved lied. Reaching over, you pulled open the drawer hesitantly, grabbing the bottle quickly.

Why did my wish have to come true?

You questioned yourself this as you decided to pull out a red and blue pill. Wishing to be in a story and experiencing other people's adventurous lives had turned out to be both a blessing and a curse. An odd being who was definitely not human named Bax had taken a liking to you, making you the holder of the magical device that looked like a bunch of vitamins. Honestly though, if you died, he couldn't care less. The only thing that would bother him would be finding a new owner of the job you had taken up willingly at first.

A wave of instructions ran through your brain as this was your finalized story, the one in which you'd be traveling to. Tucking the bottle into the drawer neatly, you slipped into bed and shut your eyes. The instructions on the insides of your eyelids read:

Be More Chill is a story that takes place in a high school, focusing on a boy named Jeremy Heere. He is given a futuristic device that was banned and manufactured in Japan, it is called a S.Q.U.I.P. The Squip is devastatingly controlling, taking away his friend who could be a future love interest to Jeremy Heere. In the quest to be renamed cool, Squipped-Jeremy will end up taking over the world and sentencing his peer that gave him the Squip to death on behalf of upholding his title.

To stop that from happening, you have three main things to accomplish:

Stop Michael Mell From Committing Anything At The Halloween Party

Keep Rich From Dying In The Fire

De-Squip The Whole Cast In The School Play

All of this can be accomplished if you stick to your living quarters and befriend Christine Canigula. Please, don't try anything that is a possible threat, you know what happened last time. Good luck, and make sure you get back alive, I'm tired of finding new vessels.

With this, you were put into a sleep by Bax, waiting to get there and complete the mission by complying to his wishes.

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