You Can't Have Big Fun

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Completely and utterly messy, but that's because my thoughts are jumbled since it's incredibly hot here and school starts in literally two days. Advanced classes are cool in the beginning, like woah I'm smart hardee har har. But no. It's annoying and hard to keep up with, but the bright side is I'm taking a creative writing course so, yay 🌈✨.


I lied on asphalt ground, the school day was passing quicker than I had imagined it would, but I couldn't get up because everything hurt. Juliet tried to kill me, saying that it'd help get rid of Bax, but Rich screeched so loud that someone came to see what was going on. As they came outside, Rich and the two football players were gone. It was just me on the ground with a freshman flitting around me trying to figure out what to do.

"Oh my stars," he gasped, his curly brown hair hiding some of his red freckled cheeks. "Do you need me to get someone?"

I made way to shake my head but groaned out in pain as a sharp stabbing sensation went through my skull. "No, I think I'm good. You should go home."

Bax, please answer me. I'm sorry for telling you to go away.

"I can't just leave you here," the boy squealed before waving his hands frantically in front of his face. "I think I'm having a panic attack, oh goodness."

"Ah, no, don't, I'll be fine," I said in my best reassuring tone, but it didn't seem to cut it.

The boy fell to the ground beside me, breathing irregularly if he was breathing at all. "What's your name, kid?" I asked in an attempt at getting his mind off of his predicament.

He took a shaky breath, preparing to speak as his face was the reddest shade of red. "My-my name is P-Phillip," the boy answered.

"That's a nice name," I complimented. "Do you walk home?"

Bax, dear lord, I am sorry. The silent treatment isn't helping matters and I feel like i'M BLEEDING OUT TO DEATH WITH SOME KID WHOS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK.

Radio silence.

Phillip shook his head after hesitating for a second, trying to regain his composure and struggling immensely. "My pa usually p-picks me up, b-but sometimes he's late."

Bax, are you there? Bax? Please answer me.

We stayed there, the two of us quiet as blood seeped through my clothes and out of the back of my head. Yes, I was in utter pain. Yes, this kid was adorable but not making the situation any better. Yes, Phillip had stopped freaking out. But my only question was for how long though?

Yeah, what's wrong?

I sighed in relief, Phillip looking back at me with a curious yet scared expression.

Can you come pick me up?


Please. I need you to pick me up.

A phone rang out, an odd 8-Bit song resembling a song out of an old movie as it's ringtone. Phillip answered it quickly, brightening up at the sound of the persons voice. Then hanging up and apologizing profusely to me. "I'm so so sorry, that's my dad, he's come to pick me up."

"You're fine," I assured.

I'm coming, stay where you are.

Thank you.

Among seconds later, Bax appeared in front of me looking worried and disheveled. His sudden appearance made Phillip yell out in fear.

"Oh my stars!"

"Scram, kid, I've got it from here," Bax growled out. Phillip looked about ready to dash but looked back at me, waiting to see confirmation. As if I had said no, he'd try and fight him. Without much thought I nodded with a smile, Phillip looked back at my blond haired friend then ran off with a small yelp of terror.

As soon as the child had left, Bax walked over quickly falling to his knees and examining my injuries with care. I hissed out in pain as he attempted helping me stand.

With a few blinks of realization, Bax picked me up carefully and with ease, "Who did this to you?"


"I knew it," he cut me off. "I knew that kid was trouble, I'm going to rip his head off of his short and tiny body and proceed to sh-"

"Bax, no," I chuckled as quietly as I could without hurting myself. "I was going to say his Squip did it, but you cut me off, you dingus."

He said no words, except for, "You're not going to that party tonight. Not on my watch."

Then I'll figure something out...

What was that?

I looked up to him to see him looking ahead at our living space with a smug yet concerned look on his face. Despite him wanting to keep me safe, this party was major factor of the plot line. If I didn't go, there was bound to be no way back, all my missions would be failed and it would be my fault.

I was going to that party, whether Bax liked it or not.

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