You Meet Christine

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This is a horrible chapter sorry for making so many ppl wait.

Lol I don't know how to formally dedicate chapters but my drive to actually continue this book is thanks to LaurensMySenpai

"Hey, loser. Get up," a familiar voice sounded. I woke up groggily, blinking a couple of times before settling my eyes on Bax. He looked just as handsome as before, his sandy blond hair framing his slightly freckled face, and not to mention his jaw line was still very sharp. But I'd never say that, it would only add to his ego. Plus, I'm not attracted to him at all. Being attracted to Bax is like shooting your favorite character. Impossible.

I found myself in a nice and comfortable bed, way more comfortable than my mattress back at home. This meant I had made my destination.

"What do you want me to do?" I grumbled, throwing the bed sheets off of my legs and getting up.

He snorted at my fatigue, throwing an outfit at me. It landed on my face, causing me to let out a groan of pain when the metal hanger hit my face. "Wear this, Christine will talk to you if you do."

Without argument, I pulled on the comfortable sweatpants and Hamilton t-shirt. The outfit selections from Bax were something I learned not to question, him always being right in the end.

Perhaps the girl, Christine, was a theatre geek.

Bax brushed out my hair with a comb, not caring if I scolded him for hurting me. He would only respond with, "Not my fault you have knots in your hair."

Without giving a proper goodbye, just happy to see me groomed and awake, he shoved a fruit and backpack into my arms and told me to just take the bus.

Everything that annoying boy told me to do made sense, it would have to, considering this job was supposed to be somewhat easy. Bax always said I was just being difficult, making things harder than they should be, but he literally had no sense of humanity. The things he'd make me do, the people he'd make me hurt, it was horrid.

Feeling my legs be taken over, my feet shuffled over to a seat in the back, besides this tall and lanky boy. He wore a navy blue cardigan with a striped shirt, not to mention his hair was very neatly done yet messily cascading down the side of his face.

The boy jumped in his seat as I sat down against my own will. I made no move to begin talking to him, waiting to see what he'd do.

"I-um-A-Are you s-sure you want to sit h-here?" He stuttered uncontrollably. He was kind of cute.

"I'm fine sitting here if you are," I shrugged, throwing him a smile. "I'm (Y/N)."

The boy looked speechless as he saw me actually speaking to him. Which was a bit odd, seeing as he didn't look half bad, the idea of him being a nerd would be weird. "I-I'm Jeremy."

I pursed my lips, recognizing him as the main character of this story. No wonder he wasn't a nerd, he looked like more of a geek.

"So, Jeremy, why are you taking the bus on such a fine morning?" Making idle chit chat never hurt anyone. Probably.

"Uh-" he stuttered and scrambled to come up with an answer. I waited patiently, anxiety or constant nervousness was something Bax would snicker at, but I never found it funny. What's so funny about not knowing what to say while tripping over your words and struggling to breathe?

"I'm too tired to walk to school," Jeremy announced quietly in an awkward tone. I nodded understandingly. "Same."

The rest of the bus ride was quiet, as Jeremy couldn't find the courage to finish the conversation, and there was no use in mentally damaging the main character.

As I walked closely behind the tall and lanky boy, I noticed how his eyes drifted off subconsciously towards a beautiful and adorable girl. She was by no means skinny, but she wasn't overweight. No, it was more like a chubby kind of thick. The way her short hair framed her face made many boys (and girls) of different social statuses stare. She was precious.

She was Christine.

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