You Get An Apology

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Aye, I'm sorry if some people thought this was a Michael X Reader (??) I personally despise when Michael is shipped with someone other than Jeremy, so, sorry bout that. This is a reader insert, and the only reason I'm clarifying it is because El was confused about the whole topic and thought I should say something. I might lose some of you readers, but I'm sorry, I physically cannot write a ship with Michael in it if it's not Boyf Riends.

Anyway, if you still are reading, I truly hope you enjoy this book.

School came to an end and I was absolutely exhilarated. I don't know if it's happened to you before, but I can be so sluggish and gross feeling in the morning, but when the end of the day comes I'm bouncing off the walls.

Christine Canigula, my newly attained friend, wasn't as hyper though. She had told me about Jake, apparently he and her would be going to the mall to 'meet the rest of the cast.' I didn't believe that Jake kid as much as I would want, but I bid the girl farewell because Rich and I had planned to hangout.

On my way out of the school, which was really empty now considering the amount of kids that rushed to leave, I spotted Bax who stood there in his signature outfit.

No, not crocs.

Instead of taking in his appearance that consisted of a leather jacket and black jeans that constrained greatly with his sandy blond hair, I eyed the car he had gotten wearily.

"Why?" I gestured wildly at the '67 Chevy Impala that he had gotten. "I know you like Supernatural, but did you steal the car? Where did you even get it?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, "I wanted to do that thing where you humans say everything you do wrong with a sad tone and then magically go back to normal."

I blinked, "Apologize?"

"Don't make me say the word," Bax hissed, glancing around at some girls and guys who sent him flirty looks.

I rolled my eyes, a small smile appearing on my face because Bax wasn't one for apologies, or anything emotional for that matter. What was up with him today? Without verbally questioning him, I slipped into the passenger seat and waited for him to enter.

He did eventually, which meant his time spent outside was probably with random people that took an interest in the boy.

"I'm hanging out with Rich today." Bax took his eyes of the road briefly to give me a look of warning.

"What does that mean?" He inquired carefully, taking a sharp turn.

I shrugged, "We'll just talk, get homework done, stuff like that."

"Uh huh," Bax commented skeptically. "Just make sure he doesn't try anything."

With that we rode in silence for the time being until we got to the house that nobody had any idea we lived in. It was like a type of mist or illusion for other people, they would see the house as tidy and uninhabited while we would see it as a messy kind of clean.

Time went by as Bax spent time in his temporary room, coming up with an outfit to wear to his house because apparently appearance is everything. I would often hear tells of anger or odd humming with no exact melody from behind the closed door. But soon he came out with a large one pieced outfit in hand with tiny rainbows decorating the pastel blue background.

It was a onesie.

"It pained me to make this," he shuddered, dropping the item of clothing in my lap. "That Rich kid secretly likes these."

"That's actually kind of adorable," I commented. Bax just scoffed and walked out and down the stairs. From my room I could hear him scream at me to wear the onesie, and that he'd be dropping me off.

Doing as told, I slipped into the clothes before running down stairs.

Bax squinted at my beautiful outfit in disgust, probably horrified that he made such a thing, before dragging me into the Impala. He didn't say another word, keeping his eyes on the road and taking sharp turns whenever he had the chance.

Miraculously, I made it through the ride without dying or scolding Bax and we pulled up to an atypical two story house. A woman with blonde hair and a man with brown hair sat on two lawn chairs in the driveway. Bax stopped the car momentarily so I could get out before sliding down the window. He waved at the two parents, civilly.

"When Rich said he'd have a friend over I didn't expect it to be a girl," the woman who I thought to be Rich's mother observed.

The man beside her chuckled, "It's always a toss up with him."

Speak when spoken to, be polite, and please don't get kicked out. I have things to do and places to be.

It's not like I'm the impolite one-

The sound of the Impala speeding off without another word from Bax.

"I'm Y/N," I said in an exasperated tone before focusing all my attention on the lovely people in front of me. "It's a pleasure you, mister and miss-"

Mrs. Goranski waved her hand in dismissal, "Please, call me-"

"Holy- Y/N," Rich exclaimed from the entrance of the house. Everyone's gaze went gay to Rich who was halfway out of a onesie of his own. The boy walked over to me and pulled me into the house without giving me a chance to say bye to his parents.

The house was very spacious on the inside, but he gave me no time to take it all in as we went gay upstairs to his room.

Once I stepped foot in his room that was weirdly aesthetic, Rich shut the door and took in my appearance with blush stained cheeks.

"Ah, so you like onesies," he asked self consciously while fiddling with his that was halfway off.

I nodded, "You look nice in it." A sudden jolt in my head made me let out a small squeak, which sounded like a voice crack, so it was okay.

What are you doing in my head?


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