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I walked forward quickly, dodging bullies and girls who seemed to be excited over the worst bits and pieces of drama they could snuff up. Jeremy, however, was not as lucky. Feeling bad, I went to go help him, but the patronizing voice of a familiar blond boy was in my head.

Uh, no. Uh uh, turn around. Stop.

Sadly, there wasn't much disobeying I could do as my legs kept walking forward, blatantly ignoring the scene that depicted a short boy with a red streak in his hair intimidating Jeremy. Odd, considering the height difference, but then again the short boy was fairly muscled, so he could easily take most people within his vicinity down.

Christine stood alone, reading a poster on the wall intently, ignoring all the flirty glances that went her way.

The moment I set foot beside her, she talked excitedly, "Oh my goodness, is that a Hamilton shirt? Do you like theatre? Are you new here? My name's Christine, I don't have many friends, wanna be mine?"

My head constricted back a bit into my neck, creating a double chin. That was a lot of information.

"Sure," the girl smiled greatly at my answer. "I'm Y/N, and yes, I like musicals."

Her very light and happy demeanor took a turn to the dark side as she stared at me with a stern expression. "My teacher thinks musicals are outdated, tell me some other ones you know."

Repeat after me. I love many musicals-

"I lik- I mean love many musicals," I corrected myself mid sentence.

But at the moment I have decided to see where media takes me.

"But at the moment," I sighed for added effect. "I have decided to see where media takes me."

Dear Evan Hansen is heartbreaking, personally I think Connor and Evan are gay.

My eyes widened at that sentence. I can't say that!

Why not?


Christine waved a cautious hand in front of my eyes, "Are you okay?" Her head was tilted slightly and her eyes crinkled in the corners as she gave a soft smile. I inwardly grumbled, Bax was always right, so why not.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved my hand in dismissal. "It's just, Dear Evan Hansen is so heartbreaking, but personally I think Connor and Evan are gay for each other."

Her eyes widened and she began bouncing on the balls of her feet, "Really? I haven't thought of that, but it makes sense, I'll start shipping that for sure now."

I couldn't help but snort quietly at her reaction.

Now ask her about Heathers.

The movie?

No, there's a musical for it, mudak.

Don't diss me in Russian, you prick.

"Hey, do you know about Heathers the Musical?"

Christine nodded finally, dropping her glances from the poster to my face and finally focusing on my face alone. I had won her over. Mission befriend Christine Canigula was accomplished. I almost screeched in excitement, but Bax made sure my lips were sewed shut.

"Heathers confused me and I wasn't familiar with how mean people could be," she laughed to herself. "But I loved it nonetheless."

We busied ourselves, the presence in my head had gone, meaning Bax had stopped sifting through my brain. Christine was actually very nice to be around, and although she changed the topic a lot, it felt exciting jumping from subject to subject. Even if Bax hadn't told me to make friends with this girl, one way or another this must have had to happen.

Jeremy soon made it past the crowd, gathering what little courage he had left to confront Christine about his obvious crush. But maybe it was just obvious now that I knew.

He muttered something, expecting the girl to hear him. And while we both didn't hear him, Christine was nice enough to ask him what he said.

"Did you say something?" She asked sweetly. Bax made annoying flute noises in my head, like a scene where the main character goes into a beautiful garden and butterflies flittered around.

"I-Uh," he stumbled over his words then ran away quickly.

She blinked at the empty spot in front of her that once contained a tall lanky boy named Jeremy who looked very nice in blue. "Well, he's always been like that. But he's nice I swear to you."

"Yeah," I assured. I thought Christine didn't know Jeremy. Bax? "Anyway, since I'm new to this school and the whole acting thing, I'm not sure if I should sign up for the play."

Christine doesn't know much about Jeremy, but she does know he exists. At least, in this version of the story.

The girl waved her hands like a mix between when those anime characters when they get flustered and jazz hands. "I'm sure you're great, plus, all your knowledge of musicals will most likely get you a spot on the cast."

I pretended to mull it over, already knowing Bax would have my head if I didn't act the part.

"Okay, I'll sign up."

So I picked up the pen, scribbling my name onto the sign up sheet and giggled at Christine's whoops and cheers of encouragement in the background.

I'd say good job, but you're not done yet.

I grumbled inwardly at the foul excuse for a magical creature.

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