Ex calling!

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Plz read the A/N if you want more updates!

Kylie point of view /start song
when I tell:enjoy 😊
I woke up and went to my phone and unplugged it. I saw that my mum left me a couple of missed calls. I got up and went into the bathroom without waking the boys up. I turned the shower on and did my business there.

When I was done with my shower I dried off and put in this outfit (👇)

When I was done with my shower I dried off and put in this outfit (👇)

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And I did my makeup and this is my look(👇)

And I did my makeup and this is my look(👇)

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For my hair I just did a wavy curl. I finally got out the bathroom and went going to wake the boys up and moving. I went to Brandon first and I just shook him up. "Brandon let's wake Logan up." I said as a whisper. He grinned and he got up and we walked to Logan.

"1,2,3" I said. We jumped on him and yelled. "LOGAN!!" "What the fuck!" Logan yelled at us. We all laughed, we had to go back to LA today. So we are getting ready to drop off Brandon so me and Logan can go back home.

"Y'all ready!" I said. "Yea!" Both of the boys said. We walked out of the hotel rooms and returned the key for that room to the front office, thing. We got into my car and went to the house.

Me and the boys got out and I went to Brandon and hugged him. "Imma miss you bro!" I said to him. "Im gonna miss you to sis." He said. We both pulled away and Logan gave Brandon a bro shake. "See ya soon kid." Logan said. "Ya see ya!" He said to Logan.

After we said our good byes, me and Logan went to the airport. We signed in and went into the plane, it took off and now we are on our way to LA.

We landed in LA, "Logan wake up!" I said to him. His eyes flutter open, "I'm up!" He said to me. I nodded and we got off the plane and got our bags.
We got into my car and drove to the apartments. "Goodnight Logan!" I said. "Goodnight Kylie, see you tomorrow!" Logan said.

I walked into my house and went to my room to change into something comfortable. After that I decided to just watch some Netflix. My phone went off and I look at it and saw the context. 'Dickhead🖕'is calling'


I answer it, "hello?" I heard Ethan say. "Hey!" I said. "Kylie can you meet me at my house please?" He asked me. I was so confused why he asked me.

"Why?" I asked. "Because I can't explain it on the phone, it has to be face to face." He said. "What's is so important that you need to talk to me?" I asked. "Just come, I will texted you the address!" He said. "Fine! But there will be no funny business! You got that?" I said/asked. "Yes, I understand!" He said. I hung up and he then, texted me the address of his house.

I had in some sleeping shorts with a tank top but, I jut put my hair in a messy bun and a sweater on. I walked to my car and drove to his address.

'What is so important?'

I asked myself the whole ride there.
I finally arrived at his house and I knock on the door, then door opened and I saw pulled in the house.

"What the f-" I did t get time to say anything because I was against a wall with Ethan I front of me kissing my neck. "I missed you, sweetheart!" He said still kissing my neck. I was enjoying myself but, I needed to stop this.

"Ethan stop!" I said. "No" he said and still kissing my neck and now bitting and sucking. "Mhm..Ethan your not my boyfriend" I said. "I don't care." He said. He kissed my lips and hold down my wrist tighter on the wall.

Ok I needed to stop this because this is wrong. I kicked his legs and we moved. "You don't get to do this Ethan." I said then ran out side. I can't get feelings for him again. "I love you Kylie!" He yelled chasing me. He loves me, I love him but, he hurt me. "I love you to" I whispered.

I ran to my car and drove off. My phone went off ' dickhead🖕 is calling'

I didn't answer it because he was disrespecting me because I didn't want him to do that, well actually I kinda did but, that's not the point. He doesn't get to do that to me, he can't just call me and sound like he is trouble and just pull me into his house and start kissing me neck and my lips and how he says that he misses me or that he still loves me. That's not fair, I'm trying to get over him and he is making is harder and harder for me.

I don't know where in driving but, I found this cliff that lets me see the whole city lights, it's beautiful. But this just makes me think about what just happened.

Like I don't like how exs think they can kiss you and shit and get back with ya, but if you can tell...I don't fuck with that. God I should of seen it coming, that's why he sound like he was needy. He needed me, he wants me.

My phone buzzed and it was Ethan calling again. I hit decline, he called again and again till I finally answered.

"What?!" I kinda yelled. "Please come back, I miss you and I made a mistake..I love you so much?" He said. "Well you should of throught about that when you broke up with me!" I said about to hang up until he said. "I wasn't thinking alright, please just meet with me next week to the coffee shop and we will talk!" He said. "Fine I will..bye" I said. "Wait please I want to talk to you!" He said. "Why are you so needy?" I said. "Because I haven't heard your voice is such a while!" He said. "Oh that total bullshit Ethan..I know you." I said. "Kylie, I want to meet at the coffee shop next Wednesday at 5" he said. "Ok bye" I said. "Ok bye!" He said and hung up.

I just throught for a sec, but I got up and went to my car and drove home. When I got home I went to bed because it was a weird, exhausting, and sexual day for me.

I will update again if you guys can get me more votes!!! I know you guys can do it!

I hope y'all like this story and how it's going!

I love y'all🖤

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