Am i pregant or nah!?

476 21 14

Kylie point of view/start song when I tell:enjoy 😊
Right now, at the second I'm taking a pregnancy test. I got done peeing and let the test do what it gots to do. After a few minutes the rest said.


Oh my funking god! "Ethan!" I said. He ran up here, "are you pregnant?!" He asked. "Y-yes" I said with wife eyes. His eyes were wide to. "I'm going to be a farther...IM GOING TO BE A FUNKING FARTHER!" He yelled at the end and smiling. "I'm going to be a mother" I said smiling. I put my hand on my stomach, "we got to tell everyone." Ethan said. "Yeah! We do!" He said happily.

We walked over to Brandon, "Brandon get the crew and come over here" I told him. "Ok" he said and went to get everyone. After a few minutes everyone was here, "guys we have to tell you something" I said. "We do to" I heard Grayson.

"You go first" Lola said. "Ok,umm, Kylie is...pregnant" Ethan said. Everyone had a shocked look, "your not the only one Kylie" I heard Lola say. "What?" I question with a shocked expression. "Yeah, me and Lola are having a kid" Grayson said.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!" I heard everyone else yelled. Ethan looked at Grayson and the gave eachother a hug and me and Lola gave eachother a hug. "So Kylie, I'm going to be an uncle?" Brandon asked. "Yeah" I said nodding my head. He hugged me.

"So y'all are having kids?" Alex asked. "Yeah" me and Lola say. "Nate, let's have kids, I wanna feel some type of love." Alex said to Nate. "No" Nate said. "Why?" Alex whined. "Bitch I ain't having kids with your nasty ass." Nate said. (But, in reality Alex is so fine)

"Touché" Alex said as we all laughed.
"Ok divas" I said. I turn to Ethan and kissed his lips, "I cant believe that I have a person inside of me" I said. He smirked then said, "so it doesn't count that I wasn't inside of you?" My mouth was wide opened, "you little fucker." I said hit his arm. "No! It's a big fucker" he said smirking. Were did the confidence come from?

"Ok fuck off" I said while the others laughed. I turned to Lola, I whispered to her, "let's go look for baby stuff" and she turned to me, "you just want out of this conversation" she said making me giggle. "M'kay" I said and we started to walk out the door. We succeed, we walked to the car and started it. "So where are we going Lola?" I asked. "We should look at cribs and stuff like that." She said and I nodded.

"I just can't believe that I have a baby in me" I said. "Me neither" she said. "Maybe they will be twins because we found out that we was pregnant today. How about you?" She said/asked. "We found out that we were pregnant today to!" I said getting excited.

On the radio out fav song came on, it was

Wild boy:Machine Gun Kelly


Yeah bitch, yeah bitch,
Call me Steve-o, I'm a wild boy,
Fuck an eighth I need o's,
Yeah bitch, yeah bitch,
Call me Steve-o, yeah bitch,
Yeah bitch, call me Steve-o.

We song that and started moving dance and laughing. "Hey, first do you want something to eat?" I asked since we are going by McDonald's. "Hell yeah!" She said.

We got our food and parked in the parking lot of McDonald's and talked. "Our lives are gonna change" I said. "Yeah I know" she said. I started to tear up because in the first time I think....I'm scared. "Hey why are you crying" Lola said started to tear up also. "Lola, I'm...I'm scared" I said in a shaking voice.

She sighed, "don't worry me to" she said. "I'm just scared because we are 17, and that kinda young to have a kid." I said. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be ok because I'm pregnant to and we will have eachother, ok?" She said/ asked.

It made me feel better because I know that I have someone that understands even tho we have Ethan and Grayson and everyone else. "Ok let's get to the baby shop thing" Lola said. "Ok Lola"I said and started to drive there. Once we got there, we ran in there. We saw the cribs and we walked over there because if we ran then, we would get kicked out.

I saw a black wood crib that I actually like. I took a pic of the stuff I won't for me and Ethan's baby. Me and Lola got bored in there so we started to do dares. "Hey Kylie I dare you to yell 'I just had sex'"  Lola said. "Ok but, you need to get on the table and started to dance we I yell it" I said.

"Sure" she said. "One, two, three...I JUST HAD SEX!!!" I yelled and Lola danced. I saw someone recording us probably gonna uploaded it. "YOU TO GET THE HELL OUT IF MY STORE!!" That manger said to us. We laughed and ran out of the store and drove away. "Where to now?" Lola asked. "Let's go to the mall." I said.

"Ok girlll" she said. We drove to the mall, "you ready" I asked with a smirk. "Hell yeah!" She said. We got out and started to walk to the malls entrance. "Even tho we are pregnant, nothing can stop us..well until we look like a ballon." I said laughing. "Truee!" She said making the 'E' longer than normal.

We walked into 'Spencer's' "hey Lola I dare you to yell ' I suck dick for free'" I said. "Ok, but you are gonna get that hat and ware it." She said. The hat had a dick in it so, that's why she wants me to ware it.

"One,two, three...YO! I SUCK DICK FOR FREE!!!" Lola yelled while I dance with Lola with the hat on. "Wait you to, really!" I heard a man yell. We look at eachother and ran but, I took the hat off and then we left the store.

We didn't really look at our phones at all today, so we got our phones out and I got a ton of missed calls and messages and so did Lola.

I called Ethan back:

E-where are you?!
M-me and Lola are at the shops.
E-well you should of answer your phone princess, I throught that you got kidnaped or something.
M-I'm fine baby, I have to go. I love you
E-ok babygirl, I love you to...bye

I hong up on him and I looked at Lola so she finally said 'goodbye' to Grayson I think. "I think we should head home!" I said. "Yeah, ok" she said and we started to walk to the car. After we got into the car, we drove off and went straight home. Once we got home the boys was staring at us. "Uhh hello?" I said sounding like a question.

Me and Lola looked at each other and she just walked to our rooms. Ethan followed me and Grayson followed Lola into there room. Ethan closed out door and she picked me up and put me on the bed gently and kissed my lips. "I missed you" he said. "I missed you way more." I said.

We went under the covers and he pulled me into his chest. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you babygirl." So I whispered back, "I love you," and kissed his neck because I couldn't reach his cheek or lips. After that we both fell asleep.

I hope you guys are liking how it's going! After this store I'm going to make another story about Ethan so be ready for that. Lol😏

Since I love you guys imma put it up, I was gonna put it up in 2 days but, why the hell not.


Question of the day:
If you had children what will be there names? And how many children?

Ok, I love y'all!
Have a good day or night.


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