Introduced to the Crowd

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"Aweee!!!" The boys coo as we stand there together.

"Whatever. Should you call your brother??" Harry says.

"Oh yeah. Who wants to say hi to my brother, Kory?" I ask and the crowd goes wild.

"Okay. I will FaceTime him," I say and call him on FaceTime.

Soon, he answers.

"Hey Si!! What's up? How's your concert going??" He asks and Harry comes behind me.

"It's going well. Meet Harry," I say.

"Hi. Wasn't he your favorite??" He says and I blush.

"Kory!! Shhhh!!!" I say and the crowd roars with laughter.

"Sorry!! But I'm glad you're having a great time," he says.

"Thanks Kor," I say and he smiles.

"No prob. Love you," he says.

"Love you too Kor," I say and we get off.

"You think he's cute??" I ask and the crowd goes wild.

"Well he's single!" I say in a sing-song fashion.

The crowd goes wild again and I smile.

Somebody comes up behind me and tickles me.

I squeal like a little girl and turn around to see Louis.

"Louis William Tomlinson!! Don't you dare scare me!!" I yell and the crowd roars with laughter.

"Sorry! I just wanted to see if you scream like a little girl when you get tickled. And you do," He says through a fit of laughter.

"Right now, I'm not very happy with you," I say and my phone starts buzzing in my pocket.

It was Sarah.

"Hey Sarah. What's up?" I say and look down at her.

"Are you going to bring ME up?" She asks and I smile.

"Sure," I say and hang up.

The boys pull her up and she comes up and hugs me.

"Best friend!!!!" She screams enthusiastically and the crowd laughs.

"Best friend!!" I say less enthusiastically.

The boys laugh and they gather around us.

"So, now, it's question time!" Harry says and the big board lights up and questions appear.

Harry reads the first question.

"How old is Sierra??"

"I am sixteen." I respond and the crowd says an okay.

"Next question is, what attracted Harry to Sierra?" Liam says.

"Well, I have been on twitter, and she had this great personality and she posted all these great, inspiring posts and I was attracted by that," Harry says and I blush.

"Really now?" I tease him and he then blushes.

"Maybe," he says and does his famous lip bite that seems to always take my breath away.

"Okay then," I say and put an awkward look on my face.

The crowd laughs and I smile.

"You're too cute," Harry says and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Whatever Noodles," I say and he gives me a weird look.

"Is that my new nickname now?" he asks sweetly.

"Yup. You like it?" I say and he nods.

"Love it," he says.

"Good!!" I say and he smiles his breathtaking smile, dimples showing, and beautiful teeth showing.

*Next day*

Harry and the boys were at my house.

Harry was laying on my worn down leather couch with his head on my lap.

"I'm. So. Tired," he complains.

"I keep telling you to go to sleep, but you won't freaking listen," I say and he smiles up to me.

"Well maybe I want to spend time with you awake instead of asleep," he says.

"But I don't want you exhausted all the time babe. Please? For me?" I say, pouting.

"Fine. But just because I love you," he says and I smile with approval.

"Finally," I say and he closes his eyes.

I run my fingers through his hair and within seconds he was asleep.

"Good job Sierra!!" Liam says happily and I smile.

"How was that good?" I say and he smiles

"We can rarely get him to go to sleep if he doesn't want to," Zayn says and I smile, blushing a little.

"Well, I really try," I say and they stick their tongues out at me.

"Cute," Niall says, his Irish accent ringing through the room.

"You know it!!" I say, my eastern accent ringing and Niall laughs.

"Harry made the right choice," Liam says and I blush.

"Did he now?" I say and he nods, smiling lightly.

"Yep. He really did. Didn't he boys?" Liam coos.

"Yup!" They all say and I blush.

"Oh stop it. I don't deserve him at all," I say and Louis gasps.

"He says the same thing about you. He says he doesn't deserve you either!" Louis says.

"Well, he is such a sweet boy and I don't deserve him. He deserves so much better than me."

"He loves you Si. And I don't think there is much better than you," Zayn says and I look down onto Harry.

"You think?" I say through my smile.

"I absolutely know so. Remember that you are a sweet girl, and any guy would be lucky to have you as theirs," Niall says and I blush.

"Thanks guys. You truly are the best. I don't know what I would be doing right now if I didn't meet you guys. I love you guys," I say with a smile plastered on my face.

"We love you too babe," Zayn says and I give them the best hug I could without waking Harry.

These people changed my life, in a good way of course.

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