My Life In One Boy

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It's been a few hours since Harry FaceTimed me.

Yes, THE Harry Styles. Yes, it seems crazy and unrealistic, but it happened.

I then felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I take it out and answer without looking at the name.

"Hello?" I say, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hi. It's Harry. How are you doing?" He says politely.

"I'm great, thank you. How about you?? Have anything excited planned, besides your concerts and interviews and such??" I say, eager to hear his response.

"I'm great. We really aren't doing anything exciting at the moment, but we will be heading down to Baltimore (where I would be going to concert, a few hours away from my home) Maryland in a few minutes, and I just wanted to call you to ask if, when we get there, would you like to hang out or something?" He says nervously.

"Sure. And I have a question myself," I say.


"Why did you text me? Are you even allowed to do this?" I ask suspiciously and I can hear him gulp on the other end.

"Umm... actually, no we aren't allowed to do this, but I just had to!" he tells me and I smile.

"And why is that??"

"Because I thought you were so lovely and cute and I saw you on twitter and that was what made me want to call you, and I've always wanted to talk to you...." He rambled on and on.

"Harry!! Harry!! Calm down. I understand. I get it. Just, calm down, please," I say and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, Sierra. It's just, I knew I would get in trouble if I contacted you, but I wanted to take the risk, ya know?" He says slowly into the phone.

"I get it completely. Definitely," I say, nodding, even though he can't see me.

"You do?!?!" He says, relieved.

"Of coarse I do. I totally understand. Don't worry bout it," I say and he takes a deep breath.

"Thank you for understanding. I can't wait to meet you in person," he said and I felt butterflies burst into my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you either. Bye Harry. Have a great flight to Baltimore," I say and he hangs up and I slide my phone into my pocket.

Could this just be a dream?

Or is it actually happening??

Please let it be happening!

I'm begging you for it to be real!!!

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