My Baby

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*Harry's POV*

I missed Sierra. I wanted her here with me. I'm not me when I'm without her.

"Hey Harry. How you doin'?" Zayn asks me.

"Good I guess. I miss her. How do you guys do it??" I say.

"We just think that it isn't that long of a tour and we can see each other soon." Zayn says and pats my back.

"But that's hard." I groan.

"Take it easy man. This is the first time you've been away from her for this long. This will probably be the hardest one yet." He says and I nod.

"You're right. Thanks man." I say. Zayn smiles at me.

"Of course. When is the last time you've spoken to her?" He asks me and I think.

"About, two hours ago." I say and he nods.

"Text or FaceTime her." He says and I get my phone. I text her.

'FaceTime? -Harry'

'Sure. Call me up. :) -Sierra'

I then FaceTime her and her beautiful face appears on my screen.

"Hey beautiful." I say and I can see her cheeks redden.

"I'm not pretty, so shut up." She says and I glare at her seriously.

"No, you're beautiful in every single way possible and I love that about you. Please don't sell yourself short. I love you Blondie." I say to her. I can't believe she thinks she isn't beautiful. She is gorgeous.

"Thanks Noodles. I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you. I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and the boys. Ever since I saw you boys on X-Factor, I wanted to see your beautiful faces in person." She says and I smile.

"You are so sweet. You have a great personality and I love you with all my heart." I say and I could see the pure love in her eyes. She does love me.

"I love you with all my life." She says and I sigh.

"I can tell." I say and she gives me a confused look.


"Your eyes. The sparkle in them."

"Oh. I can also see that you love me. The way you smile."

"Well, that's how I show my love for you. I love you." I mumble.

"I love you too." She mumbled and we hang up. I had tears in my eyes. She is my everything. I don't want to loose her. I felt this longing in my heart to be with her. To finally hold her in my arms and call her mine. Get married to her. She will have my beautiful children. She is my absolute life.

"You love her don't you?" Niall's voice says, breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"I wish I had something like you guys do." He says, dreamily.

"You will soon. I promise." I say and he smiles.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it." Niall says and I pat his back.

"Anytime." I say with a small smile. They are my best mates. Of coarse I will help them. And they help me which makes it all worth everything. I would take a bullet for all four of them. And I would for Sierra too. She is my world, my life, my everything. I believe I made the right choice for calling her that day, I really do. She treated me like a normal person. She didn't freak out when she really noticed it was me. That's also why I love her so much. To her, I am just a regular guy who just has a singing career. She doesn't mind that I have millions of girls who want me to be theirs because she trusts me that I will only be hers. Which I will commit to. I can't loose her, I can't. I will show her that the only girl I love, is her. I love that Perfect Two song. That's what I feel about her. I'm gonna call her and tell her about it. I ring the phone and I see her face.

"Hey Blondie." I say and she smiles.

"You just called me twenty minutes ago, silly." She says with a laugh.

"I know. And in that time, I've been thinking and I want you to listen to that Perfect Two song. Except change the 'boy' she is singing, put 'girl'." I say trying to make it less awkward.

"Okay. I will look it up right now. Stay on the phone." She says and she runs to a room I haven't been to before in her house. When she stops and everything is clear, she is in a red room with four messy desks, one, with a computer on it. There is lamp in the left hand corner. She sits in the rolly chair and pulls up to the computer desk and she puts in her password and gets in. She goes onto YouTube and listens to the song I told her to listen to. She had her phone in her hand and looked at me through the screen.

"Noodles." She says with a gaped mouth.

"Look, I just wanted to tell you how much you meant to me, and that was the best way to tell you. I'm not asking you to marry me just yet. We are too young for that." I say with a laugh and she takes a deep breath.

"I was about to say. Not that I didn't want to marry you, I just want to wait." She says and I nod.

"I love you." I say to her softly.

"I love you too babe. Kiss?" She says and puckers her soft lips. I wish I could kiss her in person.

"Of coarse." I say and kiss her through the phone. I love her so much.

😘😘😘 hey lovelies. Thanks for reading!! You guys are the best. I love you all so much!!😘😘😘

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