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So, it is June 9th and I'm about five and a half months pregnant. I'm having those horrible cravings that pregnant people usually have. I'm craving Pepsi really badly, but Harry won't let me have much because he says 'it's going to hurt the baby, Sierra,' so I don't drink much Pepsi. But at the moment, it's the only thing I want.

"Sierra, you're not having any more! I'm not going to let you have it until its the time you can have it!" Harry screams at me and I cross my arms, resting them on my enlarged stomach.

"But Harry!! I really really want Pepsi!! Please?!" I say and he shakes his head no. I look down at my stomach and the baby kicks furiously.

"Just stop asking because you're not going to get it until you're allowed to!" He yells and the baby kicks with even more force.

"Harry, stop yelling. You're scaring the baby. Come, feel." I say reaching out for his hands. He comes over and puts his large hands on my stomach, but there isn't any kicking.

"I don't feel anything." He says and I sigh.

"Yell at me." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm not going to yell at you just to do it." He says and I look into his beautiful green orbs.

"Yell. At. Me." I say and he just shakes his head again.

"I'm not going to yell at you, Si." He says.

"Yell at me, Harry. Just do it." I say and he looks at me, frustrated.

"I'm not going to yell at you Sierra!!! I don't like yelling at you!!!" He says and I rest his hands on my stomach as the baby kicks many times with much force. A look of hurt crosses his expressions as he looks up at me.

"Is that just because of me?" He whispers and I nod slowly, not happy with the thought either.

"I'm sorry for making you yell at me, Harry. I just wanted you to know how the baby felt about it." I say and he nods.

"I know, babe. I'm sorry for making you and the baby feel that way. I never want to hurt either of you, I love you two too much. You both are my everything. All I want is for you to be happy and alive and most of all, with me. Just, promise me that we won't have a big fight like we did the one so many months ago." He says and I smile.

"Well, that one was not my fault! That was your fault." I say and he scoffs.

"It wasn't my fault! It was my ex's fault!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Sure. Can you make me something to eat?" I say and he nods.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I want some watermelon." I say and he goes into the kitchen, getting some watermelon and putting it into a bowl for me. He hands it to me and I smile up at him.

"Thanks, babe." I say and he smiles widely.

"Anything for my love." He says and I begin to eat.

"Harry?" I say, taking his attention from the tv.

"Yeah, love?" He says and a hot tear slips down my cheek.

"Why are you so good to me? I mean, I know you love me and all, but there are tons of girls in the world that are more beautiful and skinnier than I am. Out of all the girls like them, you chose me, who is just that kinda girl that is just...... ordinary. I'm not very pretty, I'm not the slimmest, yet you chose me. What did you see in me that you saw in no one else?" I say and Harry looks at me seriously.

"Babe, I don't try to find the prettiest girls or the slimmest girls to go out with. I go for what they are in the inside. Don't get me wrong, you are very beautiful, and without the baby inside you, you are very slim as well. I love you for being such a sweet person and having that amazing heart that any guy would love to hold onto. And I'm lucky enough to hold onto it. You gave me so many chances, I'm so grateful. I am so lucky to have you. Please. Remember that." He says and I nod.

"I love you. I really do." I say and he smiles at me.

"I love you too. Are you tired?" He says and I nod slowly.

"A bit." I say and he takes my hand, placing the bowl on the coffee table before taking me into our room.

"Go to sleep. Take a little nap." He whispers and I smile.

"Alright." I say as my head hits my pillow and I'm welcomed into a deep sleep.

I'm awakened by the kicking in my stomach.

"Thanks for the great wake up call." I mutter under my breath as I tumble out of bed and into the kitchen. I see Harry in there and he turns around. He gives me a small smile which I gladly return.

"Hey babe. Have a good nap?" He says and I shake my head.

"The baby woke me up with its kicking." I say and he lets out a little laugh.

"Maybe she needs someone to talk to her." He says and I laugh.

"Alright. Come, talk to her." I say as we go and sit on the couch. Harry places his hand on my stomach once again and a smile spreads onto his face.

"Hey baby girl, Daddy here. Are you lonely in there? I bet you are. I love you so much Darcy. I may mess up when you're born and growing up, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you. I'm going to be very protective of you, so don't get mad at me if it gets annoying," he says and I laugh. "But just know that when you get older, when you turn thirteen, and a guy hurts you, I'm gonna hurt them."

I smack his arm and he smiles at me. I feel the harsh kicks of the baby and smile up at Harry. He smiles back at me and plants a kiss on my rounded stomach and I play with his hair as he puts his head on my lap.

"Harry! I can't play with your hair if your head is on my lap!" I say and he looks up at me, confused.

"Why not?" He says and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Because my bump is too big and I can't reach my hands over it," I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Well, sorry," he says and I roll my eyes as he picks his head up and kisses my lips softly and smiles at me.

"You're too cute," I say and smile. As I start to put my head on his shoulder, the baby gives a huge kick. I let out a groan and pay my stomach.

"Don't hurt me too much now," I say to the forming baby in my stomach.

"You're too funny!" Harry says and I smile at him.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and I punch him lightly in the arm.

I love my baby AND my Harry. They are my main priority to be looking after and loving. And nothing can stop me. Not a single thing.

😘😘😘hey lovelies. I hope you all liked it. I thought long and hard on this chapter. I love you all so much and I'm proud to call you all my fans. Don't be a ghost reader!! Vote and Comment!!!😘😘😘

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