Where am I?

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I wake up in a white room and I sit up. I feel dizzy and think to myself, how did I get here? I look around my new unfamiliar room and see a piece of paper. I look at it confused but are interrupted by the door opening. "Come with me we have work for you" A man dressed in full body armor armed with a rifle says. I was confused and didn't know what to say so I did as he said. It felt like forever before we stopped at a room with big metal door and a sign that said SCP-173. I heard a door open behind me and saw two men dressed in Orange clothes like what you would were in prison. Then I noticed I was dressed the same way...

The armed guards then left and went onto a balcony overlooking us. Then I hear sirens alarming above the door. The door slowly opened, when it was about half way open I saw a weird puke colored what I think to be a statue. The intercoms turned on and ordered us to proceed forward but I was getting a bad vibe from this thing.

The two D class walked into the cell; I just stare at it and don't move. "D class please enters the cell" the man says in a annoyed tone. Then he said "That was not a request". I still just stare at it. "You have 5 seconds before we shoot." I look at the man on the canopy and think why the hell would they shoot me. The man controlling the door says."5...4...3...2...I'm warning you...1" I feel a burning sensation in your shoulder and I hear gunshots. I feel a sharp pain to my head and I see black.

I wake up in a white room sitting up clutching my head. I feel dizzy and think what a bad dream. I'm interrupted by the door opening. "Come with me we have work for you" A man dressed in full body armor armed with a rifle can be seen threw the doorway.

"Wait, I remember you"

"Please come with me, we have work to do."

"But I don't want to go see SCP-173"

"How do you know that were... never mind let's go"?

We walk into the same room with the door and canopy and soon after a couple minutes later the two D class entered the room and the guards went to their canopy. "Please enter the room" He said as it opened. The two D class walked in. I hesitate but soon follow, fearing that the same fate will be put on me if I disobey again. When I'm in the room I see the devilish statue.

The loud speakers turned on and told myself and the others that they are going to turn off the lights in the room for a sec while the doors were closing. When the door was completely closed they gave a brief five second countdown. The two men were up close and personal inspecting the statue. Then the lights turned off for a brief second. * Crack* There was a sickening crack and the man closest to the statue was laying on the ground, no dead on the ground! The statue moved! I screamed in fear for my life and backed into a corner. The loudspeaker repeated the same thing. I'm suddenly shaking from fear. He starts to count down" 5...4...3...2...1..." The second guy was dead with a sickening pop. They repeated it once more and when they turned the light off and on I was still there looking at my feet I'm shaking uncontrollably I slowly look up and I see it right in front of me.

What is happening to me why am I here what is my purpose...

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