The Doctor

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"Ehhh" I sit up groaning, clutching my head I feel metal on my skin and I jump, I remember my hand and look at it because there is no pain anymore and it's mechanical! I'm shocked and confused, I sit up and look at it for a while, admiring it and then I feel light headed... Where is my real hand! I get up still quite traumatized but ready to move on, I survey the area, well not an area but a room it has a bed that I was on and a desk, a chair, and a wooden door. I walk over to the door and then try to open it with my normal hand... It doesn't budge... I decide to use my new tool u grab the knob of the door which is metal and grab it I pull but no effect then the hand makes a buzzing noise and I can't move the metal hand steam comes out and the metal knob starts to get crushed until it looks like I crushed some silly pudy then I can move it again I look at the knob in amazement then back at my new hand, I look at it then put it in a flicking position then starts to do the same as before, it buzz's, then steam comes out and then it flicks, my arm jerks back and it felt like I shot a shotgun. I rub your shoulder and then this time I prepare myself and aim my finger at the door, it repeats the process and blows a hole in the door not too big, big enough to stick my hand threw, I here a click and I back away from the door, the door opens and a person with a gun enters the door aiming right at me. I put my hands up and a few seconds later the gun is lowered, "Hello" I say.

"Hi" I say quite confused because the person sounds like a girl; the person takes off her helmet and is in-fact a girl. "I'm Doctor Hera nice to meet you" she sticks her hand out looking for a hand shake. You go in for it but she moves her hand away. "Other hand please, I don't want my hand looking like that" she gestured to the door knob.

"Oh, right sorry" you switch hands and give a firm hand shake.

"So I see your finding that quite useful?" she gestured to your new hand.

"Well, it's definitely useful but what happened to my regular hand?"

"Oh... well your hand was eaten away by the small puddle of acid, and we couldn't really save it but site commander was quite interested in you for your ability to interact with the SCP's without well... Dying, so he gave me orders to replace your hand and an agent to guard you at all times." She says happily.

"Wait what do you mean an agent?" This is hurting your brain trying to think about this.

"Exactly what I mean, well a agent is like a body guard but does more than that like get things for you when you can't get them yourself so there better than regular bodyguards" she says even cheerfully than last time. "Oh-ya and to answer your question on who it is, its" she pauses for a moment, "Meeeeeeeeeeeee" she says opening both arms...

"Uh, Ya" you say confused.

"Wow you don't sound to enthused, oh well I guess I just won't help you" she turns crossing her arms, walking away slowly walking to a door.

"Wait, wait no I need, no I want your help, please?"

"Well I guess it can't be helped, come with me" she turns to a door and swipes a black key card into the door and I follow her threw. 

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