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I walked over to the door tired filled with fatigue I pressed the button and it beeped three times and nothing happened, I pressed it again nothing. I sigh and realize i need a key card to enter I walk over to Hera who is still sitting starring at the door.

"Can i see your key card please" I reach my hand out, She hesitated but soon gave me it. I put my hand out for her and she took it, I pulled her up and we went to the door. I put the key card into the slot and it opened. When we went threw the door closed behind us instantly, I looked at the door and slid the card into the slot...

Nothing happened i thought about trying to get out of here but I need to end this right here and quick. I go to the next door and the monitor turns on in front of it, The speaker then bursts to life. The sudden life to the speakers wasn't what scared me, what scared me was the face on the monitor.

"Hello humans" I looked at Hera and she looked at me then sat down. "Listen to me and do it carefully the special one may enter but she stays."

"Will she be OK?" 

"That depends if you listen to me" I look at Hera who looks like she passed out. I kneel beside her and shake her shoulder, she opens her eyes and looks at me.


"Are you OK"?

"Ya of coarse, just a little tired"

"I'll be back ok" she nods and slumps her head into her arms. Hold on a bit longer I'll be back. 

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