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Uhh I think to yourself that's annoying. I see the food in front of myself and eat it and the guards come to bring me to scp-682 and when they shove me in, I see the beast. "Hey" I say... nothing "hello"... still nothing... That makes me mad and I walk over to it "I know your awake" I say to it. Still nothing and now I'm done you kick it in the rear. It starts to groan and doesn't do anything else.

The intercom turns on and they say to go to the face of SCP-682. So I did and its eyes were closed and it was sleeping. The intercoms said come to the door and grab the stun stick. So I did and then they told me to go to the face of it and hit it in the face. I walked to the front of the beast and looked at it. It was quite cute asleep so I said" HELL NO!!" which made 682 jump. You thought awwwwwww it's so cute and walked up to its face and hugged it. I suddenly am startled when it lifts its head and me hanging on for my life. "Ummm hello He he" it glares at me and then puts its dog like head on its paws.

"So you died and came back and now you show mercy over a beast that has killed thousands of humans?" The beast says in a raspy deep voice. I just nod. "Well... Do you mind getting off my nose?" He said it sounded like he was embarrassed. The intercom then turned on and they asked SCP 682 if he confirmed to having a nose and 682 responses to that question 'Quote' "Shut the Fuck Up!" 'End Quote'.

"Ok all D class please exit the containment area" the person on the intercom said.

"No She/he is staying" 682 says embarrassed. I look at him confused and then the lights turn off and you see alarms set off. "Hurry get on my nose!"

"Why?" I say confused but then I see sewage pipes 3 lined up, I wonder what they do.

"They pour acid in here!" I hear noises from behind; I turn and see the pipes are starting to turn on. I quickly face 682 and quickly grab onto its snout, he quickly raises his head while the acid starts to pour out of the pipes. The acid seems to poor nonstop until it reaches his foot and he starts to growl, I wonder to myself if it hurts that bad. Then I quickly think that I'm stupid for thinking the acid doesn't hurt, the acid keeps pouring until it goes to about his neck then it stops in I start to hear a sizzling noise I look around myself and I wonder what the sizzling noises until I look down and see 682 skin is slowly dissolving into the acid but it is regeneration faster than the acid can dissolve it. I can't but feel pity 682 he must be going through so much pain, no wonder he wants to get out of there putting them through so much pain they treat him like an animal he can talk like a human and think like one, the only reason why he probably kills because of what they do to him like this.

"Thank you" I say looking down. He responds the grunt but nothing more.

Thank you @Neko_Soulxa_Stealer for making me want to write more of this... OwO 

Sorry if im taking awhile to make the next part ill make sure to add next part by friday

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