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I walk to the door to enter SCP-079's containment chamber and the door opens. I enter and I see a boxy computer in a cage and a room thats locked I grabbed the key card i borrowed from Hera and slid it into the slot. The door opened and i prepared for whatever was inside, When i went in my gun was ready just in case something was waiting for me. Inside the room was buttons and a piece of paper. I skimmed over the text and then realized it was SCP-079's paper and that he was the computer in the other room, I walk out and go to the cage. I try to yank it open but it doesn't budge. I look at the computer and see that creepy face on the screen.

"Hello human" I took in a deep breathe and exhaled.

"What do you want" there was a beeping sound and then another.

"Simple, Freedom"

"How can i help you with that"?

"I dont have any way of mobility" 

"I can't help you, I have no way of getting you out either, there is most likely hundreds of guards and there coming in any moment know"

"Are you sure about that, you humans under-estimate us." His screen becomes a video of men in the MTF suits trying to open a door with no success and then to a door that has been blown open but there are dead MTF all around the camera pans to two over the head turrets pointing at the door. "You see no one is getting in for a while"

The lights flicker and then turn off completely I hear a bang like metal hitting the floor and the lights turn back on and i see that a vent cover has fallen and i turn around and see it the first SCP I saw when i first appeared in here... SCP-173  

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