A new life?

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I follow her threw the door and am surprised to see the sky! It felt like forever since I've seen the blue sky or the sun. I'm guessing she saw me looking and said "You surprised, you look like this is the first time seeing the sky" she chuckles and we continued through the door. To be honest it has felt like it's been forever since I've seen the sky or breathed fresh air or felt the wind, I noticed that I started to tear up, I quickly wipe my tears and look at the doctor, but it looked like she didn't notice so I kept following her. We stopped at a security check point and the guards saluted the doctor and let her past then they inspected me for weapons then let me past the doctor was smiling then she turned and started walking again. The silence was quite awkward and I wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"To get you new clothes, of course" she said sounding excited. "And to get you cleaned up I washed your wound but not your whole body".

"Oh ok" I was excited I didn't realize how dirty I was until she said we were going to the showers. It was a while until we got there and when we did there was a place that looked like a clothes shop and then a door with a sign person taking a shower.

"We should get you some clothes and then you can go wash yourself" she says walking to the clothe shop when we enter the room a man in body armor points his gun at me and yells,

"Get on the ground" Hera suddenly gets in front of me and shields me from any shots that would be fired at me.

"What are you doing lower your weapon right now or I will make you pay" Hera says and then she pulls a black ID card out and the guard suddenly jumps and goes into a saluting position.

"S-sorry Ma'am" he sounds nervous and even a hint of fear. She sighs and looks annoyed.

"Please go wait out in the hall" she points to the door and he ends the salute almost running out of the door. "Now" she looks at you and smiles, "let's pick you out an outfit". I looked around and there was jeans a bunch of different colored shirts and a variety of lab coats in different sizes.

"Wow what a selection he-he" I say to her and she laughs.

"I know but we are told this is the cheapest way for clothes and it's not like your trying to look good" she chuckles. Then I just grab a green shirt and some jeans and a lab coat, she sees that I'm done and signals me to come outside the room and when we did the guard outside saluted her and went back inside. I wondered if Hera was really important here but she held the door for me and we both walk in and there are two doors and a sign with a male and female sign and a room with a bunch of lockers she tosses me a towel which I wasn't suspecting and it smacked me in the face but I still caught it to my surprise and she went to one side of the lockers and I wondered what she was doing and then she said, "Umm go on the other side I'm trying to get ready" she says. I quickly go to the other side and I wait. "I'm going to be in for a while so take your time"

"Ok" I say embarrassed, I hear her walk to one of the doors and enter and close the door. I look around to see if anyone was there, and there was none. I start to undress and wrap myself in the towel then I walk into the boys bathing room there was no one in there and I just walked over to a shower washed myself and then went to soak in a tub. I thought about 682 and wondered if he was all right but I felt sleepy and I felt myself drifting asleep I thought to myself maybe this will change and I fell asleep.

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