Why am I here?

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I stare at the thing they call SCP-173 and I wonder why it is just standing there. I'm still shaking with fear but I feel a little better that I'm not dead. I sit there in utter fear. It does nothing but stare at me, at least that's what I think it is doing what else would it be doing. I blinked for a split second and it was gone my heart stops and I start to freak out and I look at my feet again. The loud speaker turns on.

"Um, all D class please exit the room and proceed to the door". The door begins to slide open and there are two guards waiting outside with their rifles pointing at me.

"Come with us please" the man on the left said. I walk out and the door begins to shut before it shuts fully I look inside one more time and I see it in the spot it was before I walked in. I wonder why it didn't kill me.

The guards bring me to my cell and gesture for me to go inside. I proceed to walk in and before they shut the door the guard on the right said "welcome to your first day on the job".

I sit there and wonder why I was here and why did I dream of dying but then it happened when I woke up, Déjà vu? But that got me wondering did this place put me in here to die and if so why, but before I get anymore deeper into my thoughts I drift to sleep...

I arise and feel well rested. I look on my table and there is food!

I'm so happy now... well sort of I look at the food but it looks bland. On the plate there is scrambled eggs that are more grey than yellow a piece of white bread and two links of sausages, I then remember a memory I'm in a room with my family maybe? But I put your eggs and sausages on the bread. So I did exactly that and it tasted ok. But food is food so no complaining but it was quite tasteless it would be better with ketchup.

The two men came when I had a mouth full and the one on the left said "enjoying the food" he said with a chuckle. The one on the left gestured to follow him so I did so... it was a longer walk this time going through many doors and a security checkpoint and then into a room. When I entered the room I'm surprised to see another sign but this time it said Scp-682 class: Keter. I was then met by a researcher who said "welcome, so about yesterday do you know why scp-173 didn't terminate you?" I thought for a moment and then replied.

"Nope not a single clue" I say with a shrug. The researcher nodded and then said good luck and the doors to the container was opened barely and I was pushed in as quickly as it was opened then the door was closed.

I got up and yelled "RUDE"!!! I then turn around and see a huge reptile thing and regret yelling because it looked like it was asleep until I yelled. It yawned and started to wake up completely. I freak out and look around me and see that it is an empty room... "Fuck"...

"Hmmm a visitor delightful" it says in a deep voice. It stands up on all four and yawns once more and looks around until it sees you. "Oh another one of us, so why are you wearing that disgusting D class outfit, do they not know yet?"

The intercom turns on and someone says "know what"?

"Hmmm have you told them?"

I respond "told them what"?

The SCP responds with a laugh. The intercom then turns on and says "D class please exit the containment area immediately for questioning"

"Aww leaving so soon" Scp said in a weird tone. The doors open and I'm immediately taken out and I'm brought to a room completely white with a table and two chairs the man told me to sit and wait. So I did it felt like forever...




Then the door opened and a man walked in with a notepad, a camera and a recording device. He setup the camera and the recording device and sat down in the other chair.

(Y=You M= unknown man)

M: Hello how are you?

Y: Scared, confused but mostly scared.

M: Do you know why scp-173 didn't terminate you?

Y: Nope.

M: Do you know what Scp-682 was talking about?

Y: No clue... But.

M: But?

Y: I have dreamed of being here yesterday they did the same thing and when I refused to go into the chamber they shot me... Then I woke up again but that time I went in and didn't die. So I don't know.

M: So you're saying you die and comeback when you wake up the same day so you could avoid whatever killed you?

Y: I think?

M: So... * pulls out pistol* if I were to shoot you, you would come back.

Y: *stands up* yes but please don't

M: tell them this code 7341 and they will bring you to me

End of interview

The man cocks the gun and then nothing you don't feel anything...

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