Feeling bad

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I can hear the sizzling of its skin and I start to feel bad but the stench of dissolving skin is disgusting. "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO HIM" I yell at the glass where I see 4 people standing there, one is writing something down on a clipboard and the other three have body Armor and guns.

"Hi I'm Dr. Jacob and I'm supposed to ask you some questions about your relationship with 682" he says staring at his clip board then looking up, he had light blue eyes and semi-long blonde hair and on the chubby side with glasses. "So what is your relationship with 682"he says almost robotic.

"Well..." I look at 682 with worried eyes. "This isn't the first time I've met him..." Dr. Jacob suddenly looks at me confused/worried.

"What do you mean this isn't the first time you've met him, where else have you seen him and how has he not killed you yet and why did he help you!" Dr. Jacob pretty much yelled at me, he was breathing hard trying to catch his breath. You are speechless and don't know what to say it seems like forever has passed until he says in-between breathes. "Well answer me..."

"I've been here before so I mean were acquaintances but that's about it." I hear a slight grunt from 682 and wonder if he's in pain? "That's all I really know though, don't know why he hasn't killed me, but I'm glad he hasn't killed me yet." I bend down and pat him on the top of his head; it feels like cold iron that's been misted down with water. I wipe my hand on my orange jumpsuit. Jacob makes a hand motion and you here a draining noise and I look down and the acid is doing exactly that.

"So what about the incident with the statue, do you know why he didn't demobilize you?" He says like he expects me to know.

"Sorry I don't know why it didn't kill me but it didn't so I'm happy that it didn't" I say in-between confused and scared. The acid is practically all drained now and I hear 682 give a sigh of relief, and he plops on the ground I slip off his nose and fall to the ground I'm not terribly hurt and I landed on my butt and I lay there for a second and I feel the ground barely shake under you and you hear 682 say, "are you OK?"

I shake my head and try to sit up, but my hand gets in some excess acid! I suddenly shout in pain, "FUCK!" I quickly curl up and hold my hand by my chest, in great pain I get up.

"Are you OK?!" I hear 682 say, he puts his head next to me, and I lean on his snout with my good arm. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean it... please say something."I try to say something but the pain is too much and I feel light headed. Then I hear the door start to open and I black out.

(hell ya i think this story is going pretty good so far... Well I think i'm going to put a vote up for the next SCP you'll meet :P Hmm... I think we'll do / so if you want to do SCP 049 comment 1 and tell me why / The next one will be a continuation of 682 so comment 2 and why / and last but not least  SCP-2085 comment 3 and why :P this should be fun because ill now be able to be more active)

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