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I close my eyes and push threw it once I go around it I open my eyes. When I get to the door I hear Huge bangs and then behind me I hear the same screams from the being as before. I decide to go to the large banging, I open the door to a large room with a familiar face it was 682.

Its back was to me and it looked like it was eating and in fact it was. It was eating a pile of dead scientists and guards. The screams behind me were getting closer and closer, louder and louder. I run at 682, "Hey" I scream.

"Food" 682 says turning his head. He must have noticed it was me. "Hello there its been awhile, Huh" He says.

"Indeed dear friend but you think you can help me" I say still sprinting to him.

"Of course what do you need" 682 says. After that instance 106 bursts threw the locked door literally just cutting threw, But as soon as 106 broke threw 682 was already on him. The screams from 106 were unbearable. I got to a wall and put Hera down. I turned back to 682 and 106 they were fighting like it was the end of the world, 682 lost a leg and was growing it back already. Then 682 grabbed 106 with his jaws and then bit 106's bottom half off and 106 fell with a wet slap from all the blood on the ground. 682 then grabbed his other half and ate it.

"Disgusting creature that was, it taste like a rotten human" 682 said. Then he fell to the ground and started screaming.

"What's wrong" I ask worried.

Suddenly I hear something like a sponge getting squished and 106 bursts threw 682's stomach. Instead of staying it makes a break for it to the door using its hands as feet. I run to 682.

"Are you ok" I ask, Which he's not.

"I'm fine I just need something to eat" He grunts. "Can you pull some of those body's over here" he looks at the three remaining body's.

"I guess" I walk over to them and the smell is disturbing, I almost threw up. I grab the scientist and turn him over it was the blonde one that I hated. I chuckle and then feel bad for laughing at a dead body. I drag him over to the side of 682's head, he picks them up and he chews, there is a sickening crunching sound. I repeat that two more times. When I finish and 682 is done his leg and stomach are completely healed and he walks to his chopped off leg and consumes it.

"Hey" I say to 682, he looks at me.

"What now" he says in an annoyed tone.

"I'm going to take a nap I feel like I'm going to pass out, can you stay just incase that thing comes back?" I ask 682.

"Sure" he says with a sigh, I walk other to the wall and sit next to Hera.

I close my eyes and I'm instantly asleep. 

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