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"What, why do you want to leave" I don't know what to say could I really escape? Do I want to escape? I could leave this place, but why would I? Deca looks at me confused and half panicked.

"This place is a prison, why would you want to stay" she says practically yelling at me. I'm speechless, is this a test? Is this a joke, If this is a test, I'm not going to fail this time.

"No thanks, I like this place" I say. She pulls out a handgun and I feel nothing.

I'm in my room sleeping peacefully, I wake to my door open, I open my eyes and the light from my room is flicked on, my psychiatrist Deca walks in. "Time to wake up, today is your first real day of the job" she walks to my desk and sits down in the chair in front of it.

I sit up and I'm hit with a sharp pain to my head, I've felt this before and I remember I got shot by Deca in my room. I forgot how much it sucks to die but on the other hand now I know what Deca might do.

"Is it a request" I say still holding my head.

"Y-yes it is, how'd you know" she said with a confused shaky tone, she puts her hands behind her back.

"Just a hunch" I say hastily, she lets out a sigh and lets her hands flop to the side.

"Well technically you don't have to do it" she says sounding like a huge weight was lifted off her back.

"I don't want to go" I say laying back into my bed putting my blankets over my head.

"But, if you accept this you might be able to start gaining respect and maybe even power." I knew where this lead, I'm not making the same mistake.

"Can you contact Hera for me?"

"What for?"

"Just need to ask her something" I say but as soon as I say that Deca looks at her watch and says.

"Well I need to go talk to you later" and she was off she was kind of running. Oh well not my problem, what I needed to do is tell Hera about what I saw. I got out of bed and looked outside the guard that guards my room isn't there like usually I close my door and get dressed, as I'm getting my shoes on the intercom turns on.

"All MTF please suit up, I repeat all MTF please suit up there is a traitor with valuable files" the intercoms turn off. I walk out and see Hera running down the hall to my room, she looks worried and when she sees me she stops and sits down, she's breathing hard, I run up to her.

"Is something wrong" I ask worried, she shakes her head and puts up a finger like for me to wait. "Then why were you running to me, did you miss me that badly" I say trying to make her laugh and she does.

"You wish" I let myself laugh and she did too. "Well when I heard who's trying to get away from here I thought you left too" she says finally starting to get her breath back to being slow and steady.

"What do you mean" I can guess, but I think I might keep this from her for a while longer.

"Deca she's left us" she then did a little jump like she got scared and patted herself down until she hit something, she pulled out a radio and flipped it on. "Subject is secure" she says to the radio.

"Roger that" the radio said. Did she really think that I would go away? "Ma'am we've caught them three casualties, two of their men and one of ours, also we have three captured" the radio roared, it spooked me and I jumped a little. Hera slammed her fist against the floor.

She got up and spoke into the radio, "Bring them to my office" she flicked off the radio. She had a stone cold face even scarier than before. "Come with me, we have business to attend too."

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