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"Are you sure about this" a young voice can be heard?

"Of course I don't know why but I have to do this, are you pussying out on me?" another voice could be heard with the sound of lighter being lit. "Have you heard from the others, they should be here any minute" the voice says while taking a drag of his cigarette.

The room these two men were in was small but had lockers lined up between the door and wall that could fit around 5 grown men with plenty of comfort room. It was dark in the room with a single dying bulb hanging onto the last bit of juice it had. Then there was a knock at the door.

"yo-yo were here open up" a girly voice could be heard from the other side of the door. the young man and older gentlemen glanced at each other before walking to the door and opening it and outside was a woman with a large duffle bag that pushed herself threw the two men throwing the bag on a bench. "Gunter, Tray how are you two," the girl says with a smirk.

"I've been better nice to see you Katra, you find everything fine?" Gunter says looking at her bag. 

"Duh I find anything I'm looking for, it just takes time but guns are one of the easier things to buy but these suits were hell to get same with these ID's let's hope it's worth it" Katra says in a low voice. 

"Don't doubt me now I promise ill get us back safe and sound by the end of the week, after this job we'll be set for a long time maybe even our last depending on how well it goes" Gunter said reinsuring her. He walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, he waved to Tray to come over. They all put their fists together and said in unison "Family First, Money Next" Gunter opened up the bag and started to pull out a various amount of firearms in total there were six guns and three C-4 Breaching Charges "Wow well take your pick" Gunter said as the three hovered over there new loot. Gunter grabbed a Semi-Firing Shotgun and a Common Glock with three mags with 15 hollow-point rounds each. Tray grabbed the only Rifle with another Glock and Katra had a small bag with the C-4 and had the last two pistols. Katra handed the Uniforms and Body Armour they were given for the job to the boys and proceeded to change into it. after they were all ready they exited the building they were into a four-door pick-up truck with a flatbed, in the flatbed was a tarped box about a meter by a meter looking to be drilled securely.

"Alright so ill do the talking we don't need to draw unwanted attention," Katra said while entering the driver's seat of the truck. when everyone was loaded up the truck was off to an area a few hours away. About 30 minutes away they entered a ravine that led to the mouth of the cave they were told to investigate.

"Creepy" Tray said with a shiver. "Is this really the place? I think my CantGoIntoScaryCaveDisease is coming up guys" Tray said again with a slight high pitch to it.

"PUSSSY" Katra yelled giving off echoes from the inside of the cave which was almost wailing an eary noise from deep within. "Woah cool can we explore it already?" Katra asked impatiently. 

Gunter lit a flashlight that was attached to his shotgun and tossed two flashlight headbands to the other two. "Get your lights on and hold your fire don't accidentally shoot a bat cause they scare you...        Tray" Tray looked at Gunter like he was betrayed. Tray put his headband on and then turned on his light.

"Dickhead" Tray said while leading the three into the cave. 

"Look out you may pass out from your disease Tray" Gunter said in a teasing tone. After that small interaction, the three continued down the Cave until they found a large metal wall with a small door.

Katra pulled out a piece of paper and Grabbed a C-4. "Everyone gets back we don't want to be hit by debris," she says as she puts the block on the door, "Oh ya the cave could collapse on us so cross your fingers" Both Gunter and Tray scream as Katra pressed the detonation button and in a flash, as bright as the sun they couldn't hear anything the cave was standing but had seen better days but when the smoke cleared the door was gone. As they collected themselves the three walked towards the door and Gunter and Katra got threw and Tray was behind still collecting himself. Gunter looked behind himself and the words he could muster was "RUNNN"

Tray looked behind himself and saw a large spider looking creature It looked to be about 9 feet tall and at least a meter wide it had a head that was connected by a neck that was most of its height and connected to the neck was a large pulsating blob with a mouth big enough to swallow a man whole, it had thin but thick spider-like legs and before Tray could react the top head looking area came down and all Gunter saw a Mist of blood and meat as his younger brother was smashed to a pulp. Gunter dropped to his knees, the creature continued to hit its head against what was left of Tray. Gunter just watched words couldn't escape his mouth, this wasn't happening... 

*Boom Boom Boom* 

Katra was firing her pistol at it, it seemed to get hit and screeched but looked in the direction of the two of them. it suddenly gunned towards the newly blown up wall and Gunter grabbed Katra by the wrist and ran away into the facility-like area, they found an open door after running through the seamless hallways they lost the creature. Once Gunter looked back to Katra he screamed. What he saw was a hand that looked to be cut at the wrist... Katra was gone...

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