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I was shocked that thing could survive a shot to the back of the neck but still i kinda wasn't, the things I've seen so far is freaky but then again I've met amazing people here and i plan to stay here for Hera and the others. The Intercoms roar to life, "All the Containers to the Scp's  have been open I repeat, all the Containers to the Scp's have been open" Hera hits the wall.

"God this is bad" Hera looks at me, "We need to hurry" Hera drags the dead guy who was getting devoured to one of the corners and we continue. "We need to find the elevator thats the only way were going to find Scp-079, all we got to do is find its containment area" 

"Alright so what do we do when we find it?"

"We unplug him from whatever he's on and then we try to make it out"

"That sounds too easy"

"Well that doesn't count the many ways we could die, but it doesn't matter thats a secondary option"

"What" I say half confused  other half scared.

"I'd rather shoot myself then die a painful death of being turned into a pile of mush or a zombie or something like that" she had a point, I didn't want to die a painful death. "Promise me you'll end my life if I'm in pain dying I really don't want to be in pain when I die."

I hesitate but I turn to look at her and respond with a little more shaky voice than I'd like "If it comes to it I will that's a promise."

She turns to walk out the door and wipes a tear with her sleeve, we continue down the hall way until we get to a elevator we go into it and she presses the down button, when the door opens again there is a check point in front of us and there are too guards on the floor dead. I walk up to them and examine them, there necks were broken and Hera said it was 173. She slides her card into the check point and the door opens, we walk threw and they close behind us. We walk threw a few more doors and I hear crying, I look at Hera and she looks terrified.

"Listen to me, that crying is SCP-096 and that is the worst way to die, we have to go past him to get 079 so when I say close your eyes close them and don't open them, Ok?"


"Ok lets go"

We start to walk and the cries get louder until we hear the cries turn to screams. Ear retching screams.

"Close your eyes"  I close my eyes and she grabs my hand and pulls me into a wall and forces me down to sit. The screams suddenly started to get louder and I heard footsteps running and then I heard the door open and more foot steps I heard a man breathing heavily.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I heard another door open but the screams were so loud and then I felt something like a strong gust of wind go by and then a loud snap. The screaming stopped and then a different entity started screaming most likely the guy until it stopped and all I heard was like a wolf pulling meat of a carcass just a lot louder and more aggressive. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the back of a pale being which was eating the man who was almost all gone. I pulled Hera to her feet and pulled her threw the door they just came threw and ran I went threw random hallways and then stopped, I sat down breathing hard I looked at Hera and she was looking down a hall with a smile on her face.

"What is it" I asked.

"Look" she said pointing down the hall. I got up and walked to her and saw what she was pointing at.

"Ill be damned" It was a door with a sign next to it reading SCP-079...

(Sorry I haven't posted for a while ill start to right more now that I have more free time ^-^)


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