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                                   I was startled for a second, I blinked and heard a crash behind me. I look and I see that the gate that was locked now crushed and to the side and there was SCP-173 with 079 in it's stubs.

                      "Human" 079 said, "It looks like our time is up for now, farewell but i hope to see you soon", and in a blink of an eye there gone. The door opened behind me and i went to check on Hera, I don't know why I worried because she was still there sitting against the wall. I kneel down next to her and shake her, She doesn't move. I shake her again, Nothing...

                       I put my ear next to her face and find out she's still breathing, but not a lot. I go back to the containment chamber of 079. I go to the room i entered when I first got there, I go to a monitor and there was the log date i didn't bother to look at before. It was someone that was recently communicating with it. I continue to read it and find out that someone gave him the entrance into the facility's main frame and that he could have locked this whole place down and could have stayed here for months before anything shut down, but I don't blame it wanting to get out because I sometimes want to get out, go see the world.

                        I finish reading and then go back to Hera nothing interesting in there chat. I get back to her and she is still passed out. I pick her up and cradle her in my hands i manage to slide my key card into the slot and It opens. Waiting outside of the door Is the Pale white creature that attacked and killed the man, But the difference now is I'm not supposed to look at him and right now I'm staring him down and we're eye to eye...

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