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"Who is he?"

"I don't know he was with the doG so he might be special?"

"What do you mean was with that thing?"

"I don't know but the thing spit him out and we have no recollection of him getting anywhere near the monster or even to the facility so he might not be human"

*loudspeaker crackles to life* "Guards in F Block please move the prisoner to C Block for interrogation" *the speakers die down*

"You heard him let's go" one of the guards puts Gunter onto a portable stretcher, moving him to presumed C Block. They led the Stretcher to a room with a chair with straps. Before exiting the room the guards strapped Gunter to the chair and threw a bucket of ice water on him. Gunter woke up in intense pain.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY HEAAAD IS KIIIILLLING MEE" Gunter started to wake up and get his bearings. He began to remember the events that unfolded, he couldn't believe it was a dream? He then realized he was Strapped to the chair then it sunk in that it wasn't a dream...

A small woman walked into the room, she had a semi shaved black hair and sat down in a chair across from Gunter and she stared at him for a while Gunter tried to keep eye contact but he looked away before she broke eye contact. "Herro there how are you today?" the woman had an Asian accent "my name is Agent Ri what is your name stranger?"

"AAre my friends ok?" Gunter screamed out on accident, "My name is Gunter" she wrote something down and then asked.

"what happened? we found you in our empty room and were worried" she looked at Gunter puzzled and then she got wide-eyed. 

"I don't feel right help," Gunter said as his right ear began to bloat up until he was getting bloated everywhere, he snapped the straps off and screamed. He dropped to the floor... Dead. he was bloated about x3 his normal size. The Agent attempted to open the door and ended up KIA when the Subject Gunter Exploded killing her instantly. we still have no idea what happened besides what we saw on cameras. doG has grown and will need to be moved to a bigger cell. Report Signed by Four 03 Scientists.

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