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"You'll never leave this world" a voice says. I open my eyes and am in a dim lit room, there was no visible light. I try moving but can't, I was restrained to what I think is a chair. I'm looking at the floor and feel like there is something pushing my whole body down, I couldn't even lift my head.

I feel a hand gently grab my chin and lift my head, the hand was warm. When it lifted my head I saw a girl with whitish hair.

"Once you finish your task you can leave" the voice said softly. "The rest have left and have paid for there betrayals, you won't leave me will you"? She let my head sag gently. "I hope your not like the others" the girl vanished and I felt a strange stinging on my leg. I looked at where it hurt and there was a snake biting my leg.

I wake up, sweating and confused I sit up and feel a sharp pain on my leg I look down at it and it is surrounded by blue paper with a square cut out, In front of me was a man with a scalpel, I realized what was happening and there were all ready people rushing towards me and holding me down. A man pulled out a syringe and stabbed me in the arm I felt my whole body numb and I was out.

The next thing I know I'm up and sore I look at my leg and there are a few stitches on it but it looks fine. I try to get up but fall to the floor in pain, I bite my lip and try crawling to the desk thats next to me. In seconds a doctor rushes in and helps me up.

"You shouldn't be out of bed" the doctor says worried.

"What happened why am I in a hospital bed" I ask still trying to hold back the tears.

"Well" the doctor says, "That's why there here" he points to the door. I look at the door and to my surprise its Whiskey. I sit on the bed easing the pain slightly.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise" I say. He walks over to me.

"Wish I could say I was just seeing how you are" he says with a chuckle.

"Whats up, Why you here" I ask.

"Well its about 682 you know why he was protecting you" Whiskey said.

"Yes, and the simple answer was that I asked him too" I replied. Whiskey looked at the doctor and then whispered something to him. The doctor walked out of the room and shut the door. 

"Ok, last question" he said.

"Ok, What is it" I replied.

"It's about the Site Commander" he said. "She's missing"

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