The Decision

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"Hello" Hera said sounding excited. "Sit please we need to discuss some things" She pointed to the chair that was in front of me and I sit down. "Ok before we get to business we should start with introductions." She points at the first person, He takes off his helmet, it's a man with black hair and brown eyes.

"Greetings my name is Whiskey and I run the MTF or mobile task force, we're usually on missions but sometimes there are containment breaches and if you don't know already that's when an SCP breaches or escapes from its container." He was quite stern looking and looked like he didn't want to be here. The man sitting next to him seemed to know that was his queue and said.

"Well that's nice and all but I'm the head scientist of this facility without me and my team they wouldn't be needed so we keep them in the job and my name is Dr. Peole" Whiskey gave him a dirty look but kept his silence.

"You already know me" Hera says, "but you don't know that I run this place, you know like the big boss." I sit there confused, why would I be escorted by the head of this place, am I in trouble am I going to get shot again? The girl next to her had red hair, like crimson red, glasses and blue eyes. She looked at Hera then started to say.

"Hi I'm Decca and I'll be your psychiatrist, if you feel sick or need to talk or even feeling really stressed talk to me and I can help you out with it." She looked nervous maybe it was because of these big shots in the room right now, I know I am I feel like I'm about to pass out. The last person in the line was the other person with body armor.

"And I am Aiden I'm in control of the security around here" he said with a small comfortable smile. They all were staring at me, was I supposed to say something. It was weird though Aiden seemed mysterious I should watch myself around him.

"Ok" Hera said breaking the silence, "It's time to get to business, I have taken in interest in you and so do they, some not as good as the others." What does she mean? "We believe you to be quite special and we have decided that your special properties may be of use to us" she said with a smile. "But we have to know that you'll cooperate with us?" she then put on a serious face that was quite scary. "So, will you?"

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