The Request

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I'm in my room sleeping peacefully, dreaming about the sky and then I wake to my door open, I open my eyes and the light from my room is flicked on, my psychiatrist Deca walks in. "Time to wake up, today is your first real day of the job" she walks to my desk and sits down in the chair in front of it, I sit up rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"What do you mean" I say stretching.

"Well technically you don't have to do it, it's more of a request than a demand" she says looking at her clipboard. "If you accept this you might be able to start gaining respect and maybe even power." That's true, I haven't really gotten any closer to anything I thought I wanted to get out but I'm really happy here, but they treat me like more of a prisoner than a scientist, maybe they still don't trust me?

"Well, what's the request" I say getting out of bed, I realized I didn't have anything on besides under wear. "Can you wait outside really quick" she sighed and walked out and closed the door, I got out of bed and got dressed once I put my shirt and pants on I called her back. "Sorry, so what was the request" I say putting on my socks.

"It's to talk to a SCP, well to ask it some questions" What, why don't they send some D class to do that, I haven't died for a month now and I don't really plan on dying anytime soon. Then I think about Scp-682.

"Does it say which one" I ask.

"No but it says it has killed any D class they sent so your there last option"

"So I'm there last solution" that makes me feel kind of good that they think I could do this, on the other hand it's killed almost everyone that has tried to talk to i. "Sure I'll do it, when is it?"

"In about 45 minutes"

"What, we better hurry then"

"Ok let's go" Deca says getting out of her chair and pushing it back in, I put on my shoes and lab coat and we exit the room. As I leave the room I notice that there is no guard by my door like usual. I brush it off and keep following her. She takes me on the route Hera usually takes me to go get some fresh air, but instead of going through Gate A, she takes me to Gate B. It was a quiet walk and neither of us talked. When we got outside I saw a black van and men with body armor but this armor was different and they were holding different guns than the other guards used, but again I was used to the weirdness of this place. Deca stops in front of the van.

"We need to hurry up Miss" the man in front of her said. Deca turns to me and her whole tone of voice changes, her voice usually is happy and cheerful but now it had a really thick British accent.

"Do you want to escape?"

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