The meeting

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I wake up to the door opening, I look at it and see two men walk in. "Pay is good but, the fact that we can die so easily almost makes it not worth it" The guy on the left said.

"I still can't believe Fred got sucked into the cube, I don't think he's coming back, But there's been people who've made it out" the guy on the right responded.

They went to the other side of the bath and got in, they see me and the one who was talking about his pay said, "Hi, haven't seen you around, you new?"

I responded with, "Kind of I've been here for about a week I think?" Now that I think about it I don't know how long I've been its felt short but I can't remember when I got here.

"Ah, so what job they give you?" The same man said. Then before I could answer he said "sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Don and this is Ron" the guy he called Ron gave a small salute. "We're security for security checkpoint 2A".

"Oh well I'm..." I thought for a second. "The paper they gave to me said I was D-class" That's the only thing I could think of. Don got up and looked like he was confused.

"What how did you get down here?" he looked at Ron and got up. "What's your name?" I was about to say my name, but I couldn't think of my name. Now that I think of it I never had to say my name, why couldn't I think of my name".

"I-I don't know" I looked at him, I could feel that I was slightly shaking. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, come on its time to go, 05 aren't going to wait for much longer" I look at the door and it sounds like Hera.

"Ok" I respond and quickly get out grab my towel and run out, leaving the Don and Ron in the bath. I get out and see Hera on the other side of the lockers putting the body armor back on.

"Hurry the sitting is in 30 minutes" I go to my clothes and put on my new clothes which were surprisingly comfortable. Then we were off to the sitting, I thought about what that might be, but then we got to a room that had a sign that had command room written on it. "Ok stay here and I'll get someone to get you."

"Ok" she entered the room and was gone, great time to waste some time, but suddenly the door opened and a person in body armor was in front of me and then he signaled me to go in, he moved out of the way, I entered the room and the door was closed behind me. I looked in front of me and there was a huge table and five people in front of me from left to right, there was a figure with body armor, a person looked to be a scientist, Hera who was in the middle, a girl with a navy blue suit on and another person with body armor. 

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