Chapter 7

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David sat and smiled like an idiot for about a good 10 seconds before reality hit him again. Liza Koshy, the most beautiful person that has ever existed is coming over to my house. David thought to himself as he smiled. He was so distracted he ran right into this girl and caught her before she fell.
"God, I'm sorry... Meghan?!" David said rolling his eyes before immediately helping her up.
"Omg David... thank you so much... you saved my life!" Meghan giggled as she twirled her hair.
"Not really... Listen . I'm sorry, you should probably go over to Melanie now..." David said walking away. But before he did Meghan grabbed his face and started kissing him. Out of the corner of David's eyes, he could say Gabbie, Liza, Alex, and Zane staring at him the way Jason looks at David in the vlogs disgusted.
Gabbie quickly spun Liza away from David and mouthed I'm sorry, and Liza weakly smiled back.
David, on the other hand, pushed Meghan away gently.
"Stop it..." David says wiping his mouth and rolling his eyes.
"You've kissed lots of other girls why not me!" Meghan mumbled pulling her short blonde hair behind her ear.
"Because I don't like you. Goodbye." David said rolling his eyes and walking over to the table.
"Who's the girl this week?" Corinna asked innocently while Heath, Zane, and Dom laughed.
"Shut up," David said as he sat down next to Gabbie.
"I'm going to kill you." Gabbie whispered to David as she played with her food.
"It's not my fault this time. Please fix this.." David said sighing.
"I'm not setting her up for pain David." Gabbie said rolling her eyes.
"You're right. I can't expect anything until I'm boyfriend material." David said confidently.
"Never say 'boyfriend material' again. It's just not you." Gabbie said whisper laughing while David rolled his eyes.
Why is this all happening today! David thought as he slumped in his seat. He scrolled through all of his texts getting sick to his stomach. Gabbie was right. He was a perv, and very much so a "player". But he just thought of it more as someone who's very open to sex. (Dom is quaking in his boots) But he knew if he ever wanted to get Liza to like him, he had to change. He looked over at Liza who was sitting next to Alex telling jokes. Everyone was laughing and smiling and everyone just seemed happier. David felt happier when he was around her too. He understood why.
"So Liza tell us about yourself... Are you single?" Alex asks smirking.
"Oooohhh" Scotty chanted as the rest of the gang laughed.
David didn't say anything, so he just glared at Alex.
Does he like her? What if he asks her out? What if she says yes? Who the f**k is he to ask that question... were all questions going through David's head at that moment.
But Liza just laughed awkwardly.
"Unfortunately I haven't... I haven't even had my first date yet... Or kiss." Liza said laughing and everyone else just stared with their mouths open.
"You are joking...." Gabbie said shocked as she stared at Liza.
"You are f**king beautiful how??" Kristen said also staring at Liza.
"I can't believe no one has ever kissed you..." David said in shock. Immediately after that Liza slightly blushed.
"It's honestly not that surprising guys. But thanks for that ego flatter." Liza says laughing as everyone still stares at her in shock.
After Liza's shocking news, everyone went back to normal and continued with their lunch. Scottie and Kristen shot a grape from one of their mouths into the other and though everyone was horrified, it was kind of cute, in a Scotty Kristen way. After lunch, everyone said goodbye and David, Liza, and Gabbie walked out in the hallway together.
"What's my next class?" Liza asked Gabbie as she reviewed her schedule.
"Looks like we have science.." Gabbie says acting like she's in pain.
"I like science!" Liza and David said at the same time. Gabbie started cracking up as Liza and David started blushing.
"I'll just leave you two love birds alone... class starts in three minutes and it's right around the hall." Gabbie says smirking as she walks towards Zane and Heath.
" I can't wait to meet your adorable siblings!" Liza said nudging David while laughing.
"They are anything but cute Lizabug, we have been over this," David says playfully rolling his eyes.
"If they look anything like you I can guarantee they are adorable," Liza mumbled while blushing.
"Wait... what?" David said smirking.
"Hm?" Liza said smiling innocently.
"Did you just call me cute?" David said smirking. But right about as Liza was about to answer the first bell rang.
"Oops, look at that! The bell! Later Pookie!" Liza said laughing as she ran ahead of him.
"What the h*ll is that!" David said laughing as he walked behind her.
"It's your nickname. Get used to it." Liza said smirking as she walked into the class.
God, she is perfect. David thought smiling as he walked into the science room.

Liza walked in the classroom and instantly sat next to Gabbie. David chose the seat across the room, mostly because it was the only one available.
"Sooo..." Gabbie whispered nudging Liza and giggling.
"I kind of ship you with Alex," Liza whispered smiling while looking at Gabbie.
"That's so random. I have never heard that before. I'm not complaining though, Alex is hot as f**k." Gabbie whispered biting her bottom lip.
"Firstly, please don't... Second, I don't know. I kind of see Zane and Heath together. I mean, you and Alex are so hot, and he is the PERFECT height compared to you. I don't know... Maybe it's just my first day vibes and all, but I'm kind of feeling it.." Liza whispered laughing while looking at the teacher.

"I never thought about it..." Gabbie said thinking to herself.
"I suggest doing so," Liza said smirking as she whispered.
Gabbie smiled to herself while Liza smirked.
I'm also a fan of your boy mind games. Liza thought to herself smiling. She took a look over at David just to see him. His smile was so freaking perfect she tried to see it often. This time when she looked at him, he looked at her smirking mouthing I see you girl while laughing. Liza quickly turned around and started blushing. Sh*t sh*t sh*t Liza thought to herself as she felt her face turn red.
Gabbie looked over at Liza laughing. "You look like a brown tomato.."
"That's literally no different from me every day," Liza said acting over dramatic as Gabbie laughed.
"But for real, you are so pretty." Gabbie said laughing.
"Shut up. I'm so ugly!" Liza said laughing as Gabbie's face got really serious.

"Is that actually what you think?" Gabbie asked sadly while staring at Liza.
"Well... yeah," Liza said acting confused.
You see, no one had ever called Liza pretty in her life besides her mom. And that's what mothers are supposed to say, so she didn't count it as anything.
"Wow... this is a conversation for a different time.." Gabbie said as she wrote down the notes from the board.
What a fun conversation topic. Liza's insecurities! I would definitely listen to that podcast. Liza thought to herself smiling.
"Class dismissed." The teacher said rolling her eyes knowing that no one was listening.
"FINAL- I mean... I got so much from your class, thank you so much for being born..." Liza yelled awkwardly as she ran out of the room with Gabbie laughing.
"I can't believe you said that!" Gabbie said cracking up.
"I'm dead," David said as he came out of the classroom laughing.
"It's natural instinct!" Liza grumbled while laughing.
"Well try not to do that in your next class which is... Stem Foundations!" Gabbie said with fake enthusiasm.
"What the crap is that!" Liza moaned rolling her eyes.
"It's weird, but David will have to explain because I have Math. Bye losers!" Gabbie said smirking as she ran off.
"Hey, Pookie!" Liza said laughing as she nudged David.
"That's so weird..." David says cringing as he laughs.
"Oh, David. Only if you knew.." Liza says laughing.
"What?" David asked curiously.
"Oh nothing Pookie.." Liza laughed as she skipped ahead of him.
David questioned the whole thing in his head while Liza ran head, but he quickly pushed the thought out of his head and ran after Liza.
"So... when you come over you'll meet my parents. Just a heads up, they've never liked any of my girlfriends." David said laughing.
"Oh is that why I am to you?" Liza said smirking while laughing.
"N-no! I meant you're a girl ... and my friend! And they're just very strict.." David said blushing as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'm very likable, don't worry," Liza said smiling as she looked at David.
God, we all know that. David thought as he smiled and bit his bottom lip.
"David!" Liza yelled jumping up and down and his face.
"W-what?" David said coming back to reality.
"You spaced out.." Liza said laughing as she grabbed his hand.
"IT'S TIME FOR STEM FOUNDATIONS AND LANGUAGE ARTS!" Liza said grabbing on to David's hand and dragging him.
Aww, her hand is so small! David thought to himself as he smiled. He knew it was just a careless act of Liza being outgoing and dragging him toclass, but it made him have a weird feeling in his stomach... He liked it.
The class was the same. David and Liza sat next to each other for two periods and David glanced at Liza and Liza glanced at David. Both of their favorite subjects were Language Arts. Liza was especially good at writing. David would admire how she'd be so caught up in her writing she didn't even know David had been staring at her for 30 minutes. Creepy? Yes. But in David's eyes, it was just like looking at art.
"Class dismissed!" The teacher cheered happily as everyone ran out.
"I'll text you when I'm on my way.. 6 right?" Liza asked David smiling.
"5:45. Can't wait Lizabug." David said smiling.
"Oh Pookie you're so creative," Liza said laughing as she walked to her car with her new friends (Gabbie, Corinna, and Kristen) by her side.
A/N: THIS WAS A LONG AS SCHNITZEL CHAPTER! But you guys said you liked this! I'm sorry that the story is kind of slow and boring right now, I promise it will pick up the pace. Any suggestions, or questions, or random sarcastic comments you have about the characters you should definitely comment because it makes my day.(😂)
Anyways hope you enjoyed, please comment and vote! Byeee!

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