Homecoming | Peter x OC

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Word Count: 4000
Warnings: None


"Jess, May just called! Peter is on his way!" Hearing my mom's voice from downstairs, I started to rush. I still hadn't gotten my heels on, and my clutch was missing. "Okay!" I sat down to put on my heels, struggling slightly with the zips on the back. "Mom, have you seen my clutch??"

I was slightly panicky now, desperate to make sure I looked perfect for Peter. It took her a moment to respond, and I teetered on my heels, ducking out of my room, leaning over the hallway bannister that overlooked the foyer of my house.

"It's right here, pumpkin." My dad then came out of the lounge, holding my clutch in one hand. With perfect aim, he threw it up to me. I only just managed to catch it, having half-decent reflexes. I definitely didn't inherit the athlete genes. "Thanks, daddy!" I rushed back into my room, double checking my makeup and hair.

Mom had helped me earlier since I didn't know too much about makeup. The sound of a car pulling up outside made me freeze. Peter was here. I did one last check over of my appearance, saying goodbye to my dog Dottie, who was half asleep on my bed.

Soft murmuring could be heard from the front door, and I knew it was my mom greeting Peter. "Pumpkin, come on down now!" Dad called out to me, using the old nickname he had for me. I left my room, being careful with my heels as I stopped at the top of the stairs.

Peter looked handsome as ever, holding a blue corsage in his hands. Dad caught sight of me, whistling as he nudged Peter. "You scored a princess tonight." I blushed as Peter looked up, locking eyes with me. His face broke out into a grin, and he stepped closer to the edge of the stairs.

"No. I scored a Queen." A quiet squeal came from my mom as I made my way down the stairs, reaching out for Peter's hand as I came closer to the ground. He grabbed my hand when I wobbled on my heels, allowing me to steady myself.

"You look beautiful, Jess." I smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "And you look very handsome, Peter." My mom pulled out her phone, dad standing beside her with a proud look on his face. "Smile for the camera baby!"

I let my mom go through her trope, taking a hundred photos of Peter and I from every angle possible. Peter had given me the corsage, which I put on my wrist. It matched my dress, and I was amazed that Peter had such good colour matching skills.

"Okay, I think I have enough." Mom finally stopped taking photos, allowing my dad to grab the keys for his Mustang. "Come on kids, let's go." Even though Peter and I were both fifteen, dad still called us kids.

Peter kept his hand clasped with mine as we walked out to the garage, my dad bringing his Mustang out. "Damn..." Peter admired the muscle car for a second, before opening my door for me. "Aw, thanks, Peter." I could see my dad nodding from the driver's seat.

He was clearly approving of Peter's actions and manners. I got into the backseat, Peter closing my door for me. He then jogged around the car to get in beside me. "Nice job, Peter."

I noticed Peter letting out a relieved sigh, and I placed a hand on his. Even though he hadn't done anything to piss off my dad just yet, I wanted to give him some kind of support. My dad could get a little intense. The sun was setting as we drove into town, towards Midtown.

The sun gave everything an orange glow, including Peter. I looked to my left, completely enraptured by how beautiful he looked. He hadn't seemed to notice me staring at him yet, and I was okay with it. It meant I could take in his image for another few precious seconds.

"Hold onto your corsage, pumpkin." My gaze snapped to my dad, Peter looking just as confused as me. Without any other warning, my dad stepped on the gas. The Mustang roared as it lurched forward, accelerating past everyone else in the street.

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