Lost in Translation | Peter x Request (curlyspider Request)

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Peter x Requested Character (Spanish girl who doesn't speak much English)

Word Count: 1600

Warnings: None

Requested By: @curlyspider


I didn't want to move to Queens. I was happy in Barcelona, but my parents moved because of the rising crime levels. Not that Queens was too much better. But there was a new guy protecting the streets. Hombre araña, they called him. Spider-Man if you spoke English. I wasn't too good with English yet, but my parents had me taking lessons since I would be attending an English speaking school. A science school, since that was my passion. Lucky for me, I would have a buddy for my first day at school.

I didn't know whether they were going to be a boy or a girl, but hopefully, they would be able to understand my Spanish. I was standing outside my new school, looking at the front entrance with worry. What if I couldn't fit in because of my language barrier? Students flowed past me, all chattering and eager to start the day. I don't know what I was looking for, but I took the time to study each of the student's faces. Maybe I could remember some of them if they were in my classes, or if I needed somewhere to sit at lunch.

One boy caught my eye. He had a pair of headphones in, hands tucked into his pockets as he walked briskly towards the front doors. He looked friendly enough, but I was still hesitant to approach him. A bell went off in the school, causing students to walk even faster. I followed the flow of students into the school, managing to find the school's reception. The lady behind the desk smiled at me, motioning for me to take a seat in the waiting area. I did so nervously, placing my bag down by my feet.

She must have been expecting me because a few minutes later she called out to me. "Mariana García?" I nodded to her, letting her know that she had the right name. "Lovely. I see this is your first day, so I'm assigning you a buddy. His schedule is almost the same as yours, and he has high marks in Spanish so he can speak to you easier. I'll just call him now." The flow of students had long since ebbed, class having started after the bell.

The lady pushed a button on her desk, speaking into a microphone. Her voice then came through speakers in the roof. "Peter Parker, please make your way to reception." She repeated the message once more, before turning off the intercom. She turned to me, another bright smile on her face. "Your buddy will be here soon. He will take you to your first class, and don't worry, you won't be marked late." I played with a loose string on my bag, waiting for my buddy.

Not long later, a boy made his way down the hall. When he was close enough, I noticed that it was the friendly looking boy from earlier. He made his way over to me, and I stood up in a hurry, nearly tripping over my bag. "Hi there. I'm Peter," He stuck a hand out to me, which I shook. "Hello. Yo no hablo ingles." Peter cocked his head before it suddenly struck him that I couldn't speak much English. "Oh! Mis disculpas, bienvenido a Midtown! Debes ser Mariana." (My apologies, welcome to Midtown! You must be Mariana.) I was surprised to hear Peter speak perfect Spanish.

"¿tu hablas español?" (You speak Spanish?) Peter smiled, nodding. "Tomo español como clase. Es una lengua maravillosa." (I take Spanish as a class. It's a wonderful language.) My worry then melted away, replaced with excitement. I now had a new friend, and he could speak Spanish with me. "¿Cuál es mi primera clase del día?" (What's my first class of the day?) I handed Peter my schedule, and he took a moment to examine it. "Cálculo. Tienes todas tus clases conmigo hoy." (Calculus. You have all your classes with me today.)

Well, that was a relief. "Te llevaré a una excursión a la hora del almuerzo. Por ahora, te mostraré nuestro aula de cálculo." (I'll take you on a tour at lunchtime. For now, I'll show you our calculus classroom.) Peter led the way, pointing out the occasional landmark within the school or a certain classroom I might have to find again at some point. Finally, we came to our calculus class, and the teacher, a grumpy looking woman, looked me up and down with a severe gaze.

"I see you've finally joined our class, Ms García. Class, welcome our new transfer student. Mariana, introduce yourself." Put on the spotlight, I stumbled over my words. "H-Hello. My nombre- name, is Mariana. I'm from Barcelona." Not a peep from the classroom of students. "I hope you will all make Mariana feel welcome. Now, moving on!" Peter showed me to the desk next to him, and he made sure to repeat things in Spanish to me so I could understand them. He occasionally got a word wrong, and I corrected him whenever he did.

| | |

The weeks flew by, and Peter was becoming my best friend at Midtown. He'd also introduced me to his friends. They were also friendly and made me feel very welcome in their group. My English was much better now, but Peter still preferred talking to me in Spanish. I think he just enjoyed speaking the language since I could hold an English conversation with him if I tried hard enough. I'd also noticed that my heart started to beat faster whenever Peter was around me. This was a new feeling since I hadn't really had a crush on someone before.

Peter had invited me over to his place for the afternoon so I could help him with his upcoming Spanish quiz, and he could help me with my Chemistry homework. We were out in the lounge, our work spread out across the coffee table and the both of us sitting on the couch. He was having a bit of trouble with a phrase, so I repeated it back to him in perfect Spanish so he could hear the words properly. "El café fue elaborado a la perfección." (The coffee was brewed to perfection.) Peter focused on me, and I felt quite nervous having his eyes on me. "Okay... Can you say it one more time?" I bit my bottom lip, trying not to let on just how much he was affecting me.

"El café fue elaborado a la perfección." My Spanish accent came in a bit more when I repeated it, and I could tell Peter had noticed it. He noted something down in his Spanish book, mumbling something under his breath. "What was that Peter?" I playfully nudged him, causing him to look up at me again. "I said your accent is beautiful." My playful smile faltered when he called my accent beautiful. Was he being serious? "Bueno, creo que tu acento americano es atractivo también." (Well I think your American accent is attractive too.) Peter's cheeks went a little red, and he leaned back into the arm of the couch since he was sitting sideways.

I didn't have anything to say, and it appeared that Peter was also lost for words. He started to lightly chew on the end of his pencil, reading over his written notes. The awkward silence continued on for ten minutes until I became fed up with it. "You don't have to feel so awkward around me. You com- you com..." I couldn't think of the English equivilent for the Spanish word, and it just frustrated me even more. "Me felicitaste y te di una vuelta. Fue una cosa amable!" (You complimented me and I gave you one right back. It was a friendly thing!) Peter's eyebrows furrowed as he frowned.

"That wasn't a friendly thing. I complimented you because I genuinely think your accent is beautiful. I, well, I like you Mariana." Peter sat up on the couch, a small smile coming to his lips. "Creo que eres linda. Y me encantaría llevarte en una cita." (I think you're gorgeous. And I'd like to take you out on a date.) His pronunciation was a little wobbly as he spoke, but I got the message. He had feelings for me, just like I did for him. "Peter, Me encantaría acompañarme en una cita." (Peter, I'd love to join you on a date.) His face lit up, and his Spanish work was abandoned. "Yes! I'll give you the best American experience ever!" I smiled, moving onto my knees so I could lean over and shyly kiss Peter's cheek. "Sounds perfect, Peter."

Extra: ;)

Peter lay on his bunk, scrolling through something on his phone. I was sitting at his desk, messing around with his Lego Darth Vader. He suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence. "Is it true that the best thing in the world is to make love to someone fluent in another language, just so you can hear them speak in their mother tongue while writhing in ecstasy?" My eyes widened and I turned to find Peter smirking at me. "Peter! ¡No lo sé! ¿Por qué me pregunta eso??" (I don't know! Why would you ask me that??) He wriggled his eyebrows at me, and I threw a pillow at him which was sitting on the ground.

"Hey! I was just asking." He caught the pillow, placing it on the bunk beside him. "Do you speak Spanish when you or-" I threw the Lego Darth Vader at him, and this time it struck him right between the eyes. "Ow! Mari, that's not fair!" I poked my tongue out at him, triumphantly crossing my arms. "That's totally fair. Besides," I smirked, leaning forward in Peter's desk chair. "¿Por qué no lo averiguamos?" (Why don't we find out?) It was Peter's turn to blush, turning into a stammering mess. "I-I, uh," He looked away nervously, making me giggle. He was too damn cute.


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