Crushed | Peter x Vulture'sDaughterOC

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Word Count: 2100

Warnings: None


I never meant to get in the way. I never meant to fall in love with a genetically enhanced boy who would come to fight my father. I never meant for any of this to happen. And yet here I was, standing beside my father, watching Peter in his Spider-Man suit stand up to him. "You made a mistake in coming here. I didn't want to have to upset Jess by doing this." With tears welling up in my eyes, I looked up at my father. I knew what was coming, and I wanted to do something. I couldn't let him kill Peter.

"Now you care about your daughter? It's a bit late to start playing the affectionate father card." While it upset me to hear Peter say it, he was right. My father hadn't been the best paternal figure, which is probably why I sought out male friendships to help me with that. That's how I came to be close with Peter and Ned. Ned was like a brother, and I came to love Peter as so much more. "Please, dad, don't do this."

My father cast one look at me, and I swore I saw his eyes soften slightly. But the hard glint returned mere seconds later, and he picked up the controller for his weaponized suit. "Stay here." Another of his inventions suddenly latched onto my wrists, pinning them to the metal table behind me. It took me a moment to realise that these were magnetised handcuffs. My father's suit, under his skilful piloting, began to slice its wings through the air in an attempt to kill Peter. Luckily for him, his spider-like agility proved useful in avoiding death.

After a few manoeuvres around the room, the metal suit targeted concrete columns rather than Peter, barely grazing him on the way past. "Ha, you missed!" Peter was quite proud of not having died yet, but the amused expression on my fathers face only made my blood run cold. "Did I?" One by one, the columns of concrete that held up the underground bunker collapsed. My father put on his suit, ready to blast out before the whole bunker collapsed. "Dad, please!" The handcuffs were still pinning my wrists to the table, disallowing me any kind of movement away from said table.

From behind the mask of his suit, my father's slightly robotic voice spoke. "You chose your side." Without another word, he blasted out of the bunker, and I turned my head to look at Peter. "Peter," My boyfriend was panicking, and when he saw he couldn't prevent the roof from collapsing, ran towards me. "Peter no!" He couldn't reach me in time. The bunker collapsed, several metres of concrete falling to the floor. I couldn't even duck under the table for cover.

* * *

By the time the dust had settled, I was struggling to breathe. There was a heavy piece of concrete on my chest, and it was causing me to slowly suffocate. The magnetic handcuffs had fallen off my wrists, having had its power source crushed by the concrete. Somewhere nearby, I could hear Peter crying. His voice was hoarse, and his sobs echoed into the night. I wanted to help him. I wanted to get out of this fucking mess, but I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough to move the concrete. "Jess? Jess can you hear me?!" Peter screamed, begging me to answer him. I tried to say something, anything. His screams died down to soft sobbing again, and I could hear him struggling, concrete scraping loudly.

I tried to move now, my lungs burning from the lack of air. As I did, a chunk of concrete was dislodged. It made a loud cracking sound, and I knew I didn't have much longer. I'd either suffocate or be crushed to death within minutes. "Jess? Is that you? Please tell me that's you!" Pushing on the concrete with all my might, I was able to lift it off my chest by a centimetre, taking a breath. "Peter- I can't move!" Unable to take the weight of the concrete, it was slammed down onto my chest again. My tears started to flow now, as I struggled to conserve what little oxygen I had left.

"Jess-" Peter's shaking voice called out again, sounding even more scared now. Hot tears left burning trails on my cold cheeks as a sob erupted from my mouth. I was incapable of stopping it, and it only sucked more oxygen from my already failing lungs. Murmuring came from Peter, along with loud groaning. "Come on Peter- Come on Spider-Man!" A loud crack came from nearby, and the concrete on top of me shifted slightly. It shifted again, followed by another loud groan. Was Peter escaping?

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