The Mandatory Class | Peter x Reader (Part Six)

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I've been so busy with University at the moment that I haven't had the inspiration to write. This is a bit of a toss away piece; the smut kicks off again if you guys want more! Comment if you do xx

Word Count: 3k

Warnings: Horny teenagers, cringey Gen-Z Halloween Party

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It was a little strange to be hosting a Halloween party in August, but I wasn't complaining. Not when I'd convinced Peter to go with me in a couples costume. We were meeting at the party, so he had no idea what I was going as.

I only told him to dress smart, in that white long sleeve button-up he had and a pair of black jeans. A black blazer was also required, but I knew he wouldn't be able to find an appropriate one anywhere so I borrowed one from my dad that was in the back of his wardrobe because it was a couple of sizes too small for him.

I proudly admired my rather short dress in the mirror by the front door before I left the house, my mom already waiting in the car to drive me over.

She gave me the usual 'no drinking, drugs or unprotected sex' lecture she always does before I go to a party, but it was light-hearted. She trusted me not to make any bad decisions. The blazer for Peter was resting in my lap as I checked my makeup in the little sun visor mirror.

Still perfect. Thank god my mom was available to do my makeup since I was pretty much an amateur at it.

The second mom pulled up to the curb outside the party, she was showing her disdain with a lowkey scowl.

"Be safe, sweetheart. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and definitely, don't do anything your father would do."

I hid my amusement over her burn against my dad, grabbing the blazer and getting out before she could change her mind. "Of course, mom. I'll be with Peter, Ned and MJ. We'll be totally fine."

She nodded, waving to me. "Tell them I said hi! And have a good time, sweetheart! Text me when you need a ride home."

She finally left after I agreed to text her before midnight. The party was in full swing at this point, muffled music thumping from inside the house. The outside was still somewhat in shape, people hanging around in the front yard, drinking from the classic red solo cups I thought were purely in movies.

I decide to wander inside rather than texting Peter first. He suggested meeting here at eight o'clock, and it was now quarter past.

People passed by me as I walked in, looking me up and down in confusion. They were dressed as vampires, witches, even cowboys and the terminator. To anyone else, I looked like I was going to a regular party. What with the short white dress and evening style makeup and whatnot.

MJ was the one to spot me, waving from the corner of the living room. People were dancing near the middle, and I was barely able to hear myself think over the annoying sound of the Old Town Road Remix. (tbh I actually fucking love the billy remix. It slaps)

Peter and Ned were sitting together on the nearby couch, MJ leaning on the arm of the couch. Peter barely glanced my way as I walked over until MJ whistled, causing him to search for the source of her catcall until he found me.

"You trying to turn me gay, Y/N?" MJ teased, nodding towards the short length of my dress. It was barely at mid-thigh, and would definitely raise higher if I bent over or spun around too fast.

"I wouldn't have to try hard." I poked fun back at her, winking playfully.

It was totally a joke, but Peter immediately stood from the couch, looking way too good in his white button-up that went taut against his biceps as he reached out for me.

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