Mutant | Peter x Request (-Royal-Aubree Request)

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Peter x Requested Character (Girl with mutant powers like Wanda, except black instead of red)

Word Count: 1500

Warnings: None

Requested By: @-Royal-Aubree

Request: The reader is Peter's best friend. She doesn't know he's Spider-Man. Peter doesn't know that she is a mutant, one with powers like Wanda (but black.) One day Peter is fighting someone when all of a sudden the reader shows up. She stops the bad guy and helps Peter. He gets a closer look at her and realizes it's his best friend. She realizes that Spider-Man is Peter. Continue from there.


I didn't often use my abilities. I'm not normal, you see. I was born a mutant and grew up being able to move things with a certain kind of energy. It also acted as a shield and an offensive weapon. My parents thought of me as a ticking time bomb, which didn't make me feel any better about my abilities. I was often tutored by Wanda on honing my abilities since they were very similar to hers. This meant I became acquainted with the Avengers, and eventually became good friends with them. It also meant I had to hide my true self from everyone. Including Peter, who just so happened to be my best friend.

Every time I went out and helped the city, I had to be on my guard in case Peter showed up and saw me using my powers. I could scare him with my powers, and I didn't want that. So far I'd been lucky. Peter didn't suspect anything. Not even when I went out while he was busy to patrol the dense streets of Queens. I'd seen Spider-Man around town a few times, but we'd never talked. He looked like he could handle himself, and since I'd had tutoring from Wanda, I could now efficiently use my powers. Safely, too.

I'd been walking home from school when I heard what sounded like someone struggling in a nearby alleyway. As soon as I poked my head in, the red and dark blue attire of Spider-Man greeted me, along with a very large man with a very dangerous looking weapon. It looked like a modified gun of some sort, reminiscent of the alien technology the Chitauri had used against New York. I probably should have kept walking, but Spidey looked like he could use a little bit of help. I didn't have time to put on my mask, which hid my identity, leaping into the fray. "What the hell-" The guy was clearly surprised when another person joined the battle.

Black wisps of energy rose from my palms, and I concentrated them like Wanda had taught me. The energy then latched onto the man, immobilizing him and suspending him up in the air. Spider-Man, now with nothing to do, was looking at me through the eyes of his mask. "Y/N..." Spidey's voice distracted me from concentrating my powers, more importantly, he knew my name. How could Spider-Man know my name? The man came crashing to the ground, and I was absolutely wiped out from concentrating my powers. My legs became weak, and I tried my best to stay upright, using every last bit of my strength to prevent the man from shooting his gun.

"Y/N!" I fell to the ground as a large blast of blue energy exploded the side of the building, barely missing Spider-Man. More shots came, but they suddenly stopped. "Not so tough now that you don't have your alien gun, huh?" There was a soft mumble of 'fuck' and a loud shout. "Hey, stop trying to stab me!" My vision was slowly coming back to me, and I could see the criminal had whipped out a knife and was now attempting to stab Spider-Man. Luckily, the superhero was too quick and could dodge every attack. With my energy making its way back, I tried too quickly to stand, falling onto my knees again. It must have distracted Spider-Man, because the man managed to get way too close to his face, leaving a shallow cut in Spidey's jaw.

Before the man could get another chance to attack Spidey, I threw out my arm. Black pulses of energy encapsulated the man once more, this time violently throwing him against the wall of the alleyway. I collapsed again, my energy completely taken from me this time. Spider-Man's mask was the last thing I saw as he leaned over me.

| | |

By the time I woke up, there was a horrible pounding the back of my skull. It was most likely from my lack of energy, but also probably since I fell to the concrete alleyway and hit my head. A quick survey of my surroundings had me both relieved and confused. I was in Peter's bedroom, in his bed. How did I get here? Where was Spider-Man? Before I could even try to get up, Peter himself walked in, wearing Spider-Man's suit. "Good, you're awake." He held a damp cloth in one hand, a paracetamol in the other. Spider-Man's mask had been dropped on Peter's desk, and as I looked up at Peter, I noticed the same cut in his jaw from the fight earlier with Spider-Man.

"Peter," My voice made me sound like shit, all croaky and hoarse. Peter didn't prompt me with any questions, simply placing the cold and damp cloth on my forehead, placing the paracetamol on his night stand. "You're Spider-Man?" This fact was evident by the suit Peter was wearing, but I needed to hear it from him. He didn't reply immediately, taking a deep breath first. "Yeah. I'm Spider-Man." Well. At least he admitted it. Peter then narrowed his eyes at me, placing his hands on his hips. "You didn't tell me you were SPH/N." (Superhero Name) I had my reasons just like he did, but at least we both knew now.

Unable to look Peter in the eyes, I resorted to staring at the bunk above me. I heard Peter sigh quite heavily. "Why didn't you tell me you were a mutant?" I hated that word. Every time I heard it, I felt worse about who I was, and what I was. Wanda and the rest of the Avengers had tried to convince me otherwise, but I couldn't help it. I'd been labelled a mutant since the day I was born. "I didn't feel the need to. Besides, you never told me you were bitten by a super-spider." Peter shook his head, letting out another aggravated noise. "Y/N, please don't start arguing with me. I don't want to fight."

There was still a dull ache in the back of my head, but that was always a side effect of overusing my abilities. I snuck a look at Peter, horrified to find him staring at me with a blank look. Did he think differently of me now than he knew I was a mutant? "Stop staring at me.n I know, I'm a freak." I crossed my arms over my chest as Peter came closer. "Y/N, your power isn't weird," He reached out with a hand. "I think it's beautiful." Peter's fingers grazed mine, causing little black sparks to emit from the palm of my hand. "Just like you."

The sparks grew more vibrant now, escalating to a mass of solid black energy that curled around Peter's fingers, trailing up his wrist. "Don't feel ashamed that you're a mutant. If anything, feel proud." Peter helped me to sit up in his bed, propping me up against the wall so I could breathe easier. He didn't leave either, and sat down beside me, one hand still testing out the waters with my abilities. The energy wasn't harmful, and if anything, Peter was fascinated by it. His eyes were wide as he hesitantly placed a Rubik cube in my palm, watching it rise and float in the air, suspended by my ability.

"It's amazing..." He tapped the Rubik's cube, giggling softly as it floated about in mid air, surrounded by a sparkling black energy. "You're amazing- This ability of yours is absolutely fantastic!" Blushing a little from Peter's words, I looked up from my palm to find him staring at me now. Right into my eyes. "You're amazing." He repeated his words, a small smile coming to his lips. Having Peter's eyes locked with mine along with his adorable smile made it unbearable, and I burst out in laughter, looking away from Peter.

"What? What did I do?" Peter's little panic made me laugh even harder, and it took me a moment to calm down. "Nothing, I just got nervous. Plus, you're a freaking spider," I laughed again, envisioning Peter crawling along the roof of his bedroom like a spider. "Y/N," Peter whined softly, grumpy that I was making fun of his abilities. "Sorry, sorry," I took deep breaths to calm myself, and by that time, Peter was smiling very sincerely at me. "Y/N?" I gave him my full attention, nodding to let him know I was listening. "Will you go on a date with me? We can go for coffee after school one day, or we can just go to the park one afternoon,"

He started rambling off ideas nervously, and I leaned forward, kissing his cheek quickly. "All of those ideas sound perfect. How about coffee on Tuesday to start with?" Peter just nodded, blushing quite heavily. "It's a date then."


Oh my god I'm so sorry for not updating
I've been stuck in a hole honestly and it makes me too tired to do anything other than procrastinate and take afternoon naps
Either way, I'll try and get more requests up soon ❤️❤️

Requests are open!

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