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*time skip*

Justin's POV
Justin's dream

I was running down the hallway of school. People kept shouting mean words at me. Raegan moved, Kale and Jack got kicked out of school and I lost contact with them all.

I got tripped millions of times. When I made it out I cried. I saw a group of jocks run up to me and I instantly fell, waiting for there beating.

I almost died this time. Untill a teacher found them and called the hospital.

Suddenly white appears and I am home alone. The same boys bust a window and get in.

They have knifes and one has a gun. "We're going to hurt you so badly, you might die! Raegan left because of YOU! You cause him to much drama!"


Then I woke up to Raegan shaking me and screaming my name. I screamed and hug him. My eyes were shut and I was sobbing.

"C-can't b-breath" I say. He hugs me tightly and sits me on his lap facing him. He rubs my back and says calling things.

I calm down, "tell me what happened, if you want to" Rae said.

I told him everything and he hugged me tightly, "im so sorry baby!" We didn't notice Kale, Jack and Damon walking back into the room.

"Baby, I love you so much, I'm so sorry you dreamt that!" Raegan says.

Damon pulls me off Raegan and hugs me, "IS MY TWIN OKAY? I FELT SOMETHING WAS OFF THE CAR RIDE HOME"

"Yah, no joke, he was yelling at Jack to go faster because he was getting 'visions'" Kale said.

Jack, "it scared me"

"Wait where did you go?" Raegan asked

No one noticed Damon taking me out to talk. "I saw your whole dream... it was so scary and I'm so sorry!" He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back

"I don't like is when people yell at my baby" Kale said as we walk back in." Jack was sitting of Kale facing him with his head on his shoulder.

I sit next to Raegan and Damon lays on the floor. I run up and lay on top of him. Raegan is recording. Damon screams.

"Oh my Damon! To much!" I say, laughing.

Reagan stops recording and Jack gets on top of me, Kale on the top of him.

Raegan sets up the camera and lays on top of kale. Damon screams again. I roll off and Kale and Jack roll to the side. Raegan falls on top of me.

As I see him come down I scream and shut my eyes tightly. It went slowly, I swear he is going to fall of top of me. He landed and only a little pressure on me. I open my eyes and see he avoided hurting me bye holding himself up, he fell a little on me but raised himself.

I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding and relax. Raegan pecks my nose and says "I would never hurt you"

Which makes me giggle. Kale Jack and Damon are already standing. Regan rolls to the side and stands up. He helps me up and we sit on the couch.

"Thanks for not breaking me Rae" I say, pecking his cheek. He turns his head and pecks my lips, "always" he says.

I giggle, and we decide to go live. Im sitting on Rae facing him, Jack is sitting on Kale facing the screen and Damon is in the middle awkwardly.

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