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Shout out to frickle_fracklee for being amazing and showing my book so much love! (I honestly don't think it's good AT ALL!!)

Justin's POV

I wake up to my dad shaking me, "Justin, I have to drive Damon to Pennsylvania to meet a friend. We wont be back for two days. We will be home when you come home on Wednesday okay?"

I nod, "Tell Damon I said look luck, bye dad love you"

He leaves and I grab my phone and scroll through instagram. Im hungry but I'm not gonna wake Rae up.

~time skip 30 minutes later~

Raegan isn't awake yet, and his arms are around me so I can't get up. Im starving. When was the last time I ate?

Hmm. Raegan starts stirring in his sleep. He's not awake though.

I get a text from Kale,

(As you know, K-Kale, J-Justin)

K- Raegan isn't answering Texts, why?

J- he is asleep and left his phone upstairs. What do ya need?

K- Jack wont talk to me. I bet its about earlier and Justin I'm really sorry!!! I don't know what I was thinking. I was in a playful mean jokey mood.

J- your fine. I will talk to Jack though.

K-thank you!

(Lower case intended here: j-Jack J-Justin)

J- hey, Kales worried sick, and he apologised to me.

j- okay, I have been ignoring him because I'm upset with him. He usually doesn't act like that and he knows when I but in and tell him to quit, he has to. I don't usually get in other people drama.

J- Its okay, don't worry about it!


(Going back to no lower case intended because I will probably mess up)

Raegan wakes up after that happened.

"Hey baby" he says, his voice is deep.

"Hey babe, your voice is deep" I say, "also, my dad won't be home for two days because he is taking Damon to Pennsylvania to meet a friend."

"Okay" he replies.

My stumach grumbles, LOUDLY.

"When was the last time you ate? I heard your stumach" Raegan says.

"Uhhhhhhhhh" I replied.

"Baby, have you eaten today? Its like, 8!" Raegan says.

"I honestly can't remember" I say.

"Come on, im taking you to Taco Bell." He says.

I jump off of him and grab my stuff and run to the car shouting "TACO BELL IM COMING FOR YOU BABY"

Raegan gets in the car, "your cheating on me with Taco Bell arnt you"

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now