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That's a picture of me. Im not gonna say anything... your thoughts..
Also! Thanks for 5k reads!

Raegans POV

"Everytime I put him in the office or nurses office, he gets a nightmare. Can he sleep anywhere else?" I ask Mrs. Lasby.

"Hmm, the councillors office?" she says.

Perfect! And its right next to my next class.

I take him there and tell the 2nd councillor to let him sleep there. I tell her that he needs his sleep because of all the bullying.

She nods and turns the couch into a comfy bed for him.

"Thank you" I say.

She nods, "go get to class"

"Yes Ma'am" I say, walking to grab my stuff and then being the 6th to enter class.

I get through the rest of class without a sound from Jay. I walk to the counsellors office to see she is asleep and Justin is... gone?

I head to lunch and I see him about to get cornered by some dudes.

I run and he sees me, I gracefully slide im between the boys, which I am MUCH bigger than them. And say, "another step, and I hurt you. Don't you dare, EVER lay a hand on my baby"

They scram and I turn around. Justin hugs me, "hey! How was class?"

"Haha, you sound happy!" I say.

"I am! No one has bothered me sense that, and I have basicly been invisible in the halls! Its like, people forgot who I am!!" He says getting all giddy

"Awww baby! Im so happy for you!" I say. Hugging him.

"Also, when we went to the mall I blew off my friends for study sesh. Wanna come over today and help me with my project, with. My friends?" He asks.

"Sure, gotta keep my baby boy safe" I say.

"Yup! Im hungry though, wana get food?" He asks.

"They are serving burgers" I say, warning him.

"Okay! Never mind! I can starve" he says.

"Nope! I brought a second lunch, I always do, just in case!" I say, giving him the bag.

"Thanks baby!" He says, as we sit in the corner because there are no seats left in the cafeteria. The principal starts walking over to us with two chairs when a kid who clearly doesn't know the principal is there comes around and spits his gum on Justin. "Whoops! Sorry, thought you were the trash bin" he says

I peel the gum off Justin's Thigh and throw it away.

The principal sets down the chairs and says, "there will be a bullying assembly held after lunch, you two don't have to attend"

We nod and see two other Senior guys carry A table over. The announcements go off.

"If you are round B lunch, please head to the auditorium for the bullying assembly. Round A lunch, finish up!"

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now