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Justin's POV

We walk up and I start talking, "Hello, my name is Justin Blake. I am transgender and gay, i am lucky enough to be dating one of the best guys out there, Raegan Beast. I moved here because of- of- bullying and my dad getting a new job down here. Im not a popular kid in school at all, or well, I wasn't. My bestfriend Jastin Is visiting from where I used to live, Minnesota, he can tell you how bad it was. Then I met Ava and Nick, they showed me I can be happy." I Tried to stop there.

"What about social medias?" She asks.

"Uhh- okay... on Instagram my username is 'Justin Blake' and I have almost 1M followers" the crowd awws, "on Musicly My user is justindrewblake and I have 3.12 Million followers" I say.

"Wow, for a guy not popular in school, you sure are popular in social Media!" She says.

I nod and leave stage back to where I was sitting. Surrounded by friends and boyfriend, safe and sound in the crowd.

We ate lunch while the assembly was going on. Seniors, really popular Seniors moved over by us, but the wall of my friends knocked them off.

I felt protected. Even more so with Rae next to me, who is letting me snuggle up into him.

At the end of the day, there were 4 bells.

The first one rang, signalling is out of the gym. My group left last, we didn't want to get caught up in everyone.

The second one rang, saying we should have left the gym and we should be at our lockers.

The third one rang, telling club members to head to their classrooms.

Then the fourth and final one, signalling we should be leaving.

Before we got into the van we gave each other a group hug, because that was the last time untill next month that we would be able to do that.

We drop off everyone and head to my house.

Jastin grabs him stuff and we go to the airport.

We all hug him goodbye. Raegan stood back and watched the 'Blake boys' say goodbye until next month, which seems like forever away.

We left him to go and then we went back to the van,where we found his charm bracelet from Damon. Sence im the fastest, I ran through the airport and found him.

He was running toward me, "DO YOU HAVE IT!??"

I show him the bracelet and he hugs me with so much force I fall and hit my head.

"Ouch, sorry bud,but thank you so so so much Jay, I would have died without it" he says helping me up.

I nod, "bye buddy, have a safe flight"

He hugs me again and then we leave each other.

Ouch, my head hurts.

As I'm walking through the airport a guy trips me and I hit my head again, I also get stepped on, once by a girl wearing high heels.

I quickly scramble to my feet and run outside.

I run into the van as fast as I can.

Raegan asks if I'm okay.

"Yeah? Ouch" I say, gripping my head.

The car ride was silent, no music. When I look up we are at the hospital.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"To get your head checked out" he says.

Raegans POV (should I put POVs in bold?)

He nods, okay now I know something's up. He hates the hospital.

We walk in and I explain our situation. Justin was sleepy to I asked if he was aloud to sleep in his condition.

She said no, so I kept him awake. We finally get called in.

He examine him and he says, "he looks okay, but he did get ingured due to the head falling and getting stepped on. He can not go to school tomorrow for resting."

"Okay, anything else?" Raegan asks.

"Yes, he needs to take this before he sleeps tomorrow" he gives us a pill and explains, "it only lasts for 8 hours, keep time. If he sleeps without it, he might have some brain damage. Wake him up in the middle of the night untill about 4ish, then he should be a- okay!"

We nod. "How long untill it kicks in?"

He says, "about 10 minutes. I'd say wait 15 for good measure""

I nod and give Jay a pill. He takes it and I set a timer for him.

We leave, with a doctors note and drop it off at the school.

After that, we drive to Taco Bell, eat and then go home. This all takes over 15 minutes.

We go home put on the movie 'Lilo and Stitch'

Justin's POV

I snuggle up to Rae while watching 'Lilo and Stitch'

I end up falling asleep halfway through the movie.

Word count: 820

Sorry it's so short

Missy~chan OUT

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now