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February post


We walk into the store and grab a cart, going to the back.

Many people tried to pet her and stuff
And I turned down every one of them.

Athena needed to get use to this. She was focused and ready the whole time.

After we were out, Athena made it impossible for me to help Raegan and my dad get the groceries into the car, so they had me get in the car.

We get home and everything is set up for Athena. I was confused until Damon, Nick, Ana, Ryan and Aryn step out.

"Anas idea!!"

~after the break Justin gave himself~

Okay, first day to school with a dog.

I get all of her things together and my stuff together.

She is trained to respond to my easier signs of anxiety and we are working on the harder signs.

I get in the car and Raegan drives. I leave Athena in the back while I'm in front.

I get a bust of anxiety but blow it off, thinking it will go away.

When we get to school Athena instantly responds.

I let her out and she paws at my knees. I sit down and take deep breaths. Raegan hooks on Athenas leash onto her vest and around my waist for me, hugging me when he's done, "you got this" he says.

"Thank you." Is say.

I get out and put on my back pack.

I walk Athena in and then go to the office and explain the service dog thing, they allow me through and I head to my locker.


I open my locker and grab my stuff.

"Follow me"

I get to my first class and lay down a little mat so it's easier for Athena to be comfterble.

I get anxiety again because of the people looking at me and Athena pawed at me.

That's how it was the rest of the day.

At lunch Athena stained up at me and focused, she knew today I was anxiety filled.

She nuzzled into my hand and I pet her, calming down.

Kids look look at her and me weirdly and laugh, some thought she was a normal dog even though I had the vest on her.

There were many times in the hallway where she would alert and I wouldn't listen until I got to class, and it was scorching hot outside, as school was out soon, so we had permission to run through the outside hallway to get to my class sense I forgot her doggy boots in my locker.

She was a good dog, stubborn, yes, but good dog, yes.


She stood, looking at me.

"Sit" I said, stern

She went down a little and got back up.

"Fine" I took out a treat and said, "Athena, SIT"

She sat, looking at the treat.

"Leave it"

She looked at me.

"Focus" I said, laying down the treat.

She looked down at the treat.

I pulled the treat back.

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now