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December's 2nd post

Justin's POV


We get to Raegans house and all of his family members are rushing around, cleaning and putting up extra decorations. I saw Raegans brother going to take down a gay writing but his dad said not to.

After 2 minutes of us standing there, Raegan goes "ahem"

Everyone turns, "oh hey Justin" everyone says.

They go back to what they are doing and Raegans dad says, "Justin! Aha! Good to know you guys saw each other today! Hopefully Raegan will start getting those brain cells working again"

He said "brain cells working again" through clenched teeth and a death glare at Raegan.

"Hahaha...ha..haaa" our laughs fade out. He takes Raegan aside and says something in his ear then Raegan whispered back.

"Justin!" Raegans young brother, Henry says, running up to me. He hugs my leg and then I pick him up.

"Justin Justin! I got a new video game, soccer ball, basketball, and basketball hoop!!!!" He says.

"Really? That's awesome!" I say.

"Can we play?" He asks.

"Sorry, bud, aunt bries family is coming over" Raegans dad says.

"Aww" he says.

I flip him upside down like usual. He screams and then laughs, "weee im a super hero!"

Raegan lifts him back up and then grabs him. Running up to his room.

"We can play until they get here!" Raegan says, as I run after him.

When we are in his room, we lay Henry on a blanket and pick it up.we swing him and then let go, as he flops on the bed.

"WEEE" he yells.

Raegan jumps on the bed and tickles him.

I stand off to the side, enjoying this. My boyfriend playing with his brother on Christmas... I really wish I had a younger sibling.

Im quickly thrown onto the bed, Raegan on top of me, tickling me.


"Ahhh shit shit shit shit-" Raegan freaks out.

"Raegan! Henry is still in here" I yell

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" he says. Fixing him hair. Then he grabs my, and Henry's hand and walks down the stairs.

Im blocked out like a force shield while greetings happen.

"Raegan!" A short, pale, wrinkly woman with very noticiable makeup and weird clothes that looked like something a stripper would wear.

"Aww you have grown uppp" she pinches his cheek and pats Henry on the head.

Okay, something's up.

After greets. The lady, who im guessing is their aunt, a man, who i think is their uncle, and three other people who look like their age range from 12-20 turn and look at me.

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now