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Thank you so much! Now, to the story.
Justin's POV

We broke the kiss and decided to watch a movie.

We lay down on the bed and he turns on Ms. Periguines home for peculiar children.

I have never watched this movie? He seems exited though so we watch it.

Raegans POV

We slept during the movie. I woke up to Justin laying next to me.

I get dressed and lay down next to him and cuddle him close. He was really cold.

He was warm a little while after.

I heard him whispering,

"Don't touch him"

"Let go"


I shook him awake before he went to deep into dreaming.

"Ah! Oh!!! Sorry Raegan" Justin said, getting dressed.

"Your fine, do you remember your dream?" I asked.

"What dream? It felt and looked pitch black to me???" Justin asked, confused.

"Oh, you were whispering things, don't touch him, let go, and stop." I said.

He was dressed. His eyes turned a darker green and his pupils dialated. Then returned to normal.

"I-I remember my dream" Justin said.

"Woah woah babe, sit down" I said.

He looked confused, "your eyes went dialated and a darker green, then back to normal, you okay?"

Justin's POV

I haven't told Raegan about that eye thing. Ugh I forgot.

"Well Raegan.. about 2 years ago I lost my memory because my ex girlfriend Laura was mad. She crashed into my car on purpose on a highway. It was also a hit and run. She knew where I was going, when and had a get away car prepared. The plan was to k-kill me. Instead I suffered memory loss, broken bones and a concussion. I rushed my memory back just a small amount. So whenever I forget something and remember it, that eye thing happens" I explain.

"Ohh, where's Laura?" He asks. He sounds pissed.

He listened to the whole story, carefully. He cared!!

I wanted to jump on him and hug him for acually listening.

"She's in jail for life" I say exited. I think a little

"I can tell you wana jump hug me for some reason or something. You know you can hug and cuddle me whenever you want right?" He said.

I pounced on him hugging him tightly.

"Is sorry but no one ever listens to me or cares when I'm speaking to them. Thank you for caring and loving me and listening" I said.

~lost in love~ JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now