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L U K E : 

Hi best friend! It’s me, Luke Hemmings. I’m writing you this letter, well, because you told me to, but that’s beside the point. You’re sitting next to me, right now, while I’m writing this. This letter is going in a time capsule that we decided we’d open 10 years from now. When I next see this letter (when you get to read it) we’ll be 27. How weird is that, fucking twenty-seven

So anyway. You said write anything. And I figured by the time I’m 27, I’ll have figured out some of the shit that is life. And I hope I’ve figured out how to tell you that I’ve been in love with you for ten years now (it’ll be twenty, actually, when you read this) ever since you helped me up when I fell off the swing in first grade. It’s been ten years (twenty!) and countless other falls, dances, breakups, makeups, kisses, dates, songs, and I’m still head over heels for you. 

Yeah, you read that right Y/N. I’m quite in love with you, and basically everyone knows — except you. Those songs you love are about you. And I hope by the time we’re 27 (god, I feel ancient) I’d have told you, but if I didn’t, I guess you’ve just found out. 

I love you, Y/N, and I hope this works out. 

Love, Lukey

A S H T O N :

Dear Y/N, 

You’ve told me to stop writing these letters. You told me they’d never change anything between us. But I can’t stop writing them. I can’t stop myself from.. reaching out, across a void I can never repair. I can’t let you go. 

I fucked up, really badly, and I know it. And I’m sorry. So goddamn sorry for all the missed calls and the sleepless nights and the wondering whether I was ever coming home. Whether I still loved you. 

Well, I can answer the last one. I do. I still love you. I didn’t know it at first, but I still do. I guess you never realize what you have until it’s gone. And now you’re gone, and I wish you’d come back. 

This letter is getting ridiculous and it’s probably like all the other ones you’ve gotten and a thousand others I never sent. But you need to hear it. 

I’m sorry.

— Ashton

C A L U M :

Hi babe! It’s Calum, well, you know that. Can’t believe I’m writing an actual letter, but I’ll explain that part later and I hope you’ll understand. I miss talking to you. It’s been nearly 3 days now and you’re probably getting worried. Fact is, Ashton took my phone and hid it. Obviously he hid it well, because I still can’t find it. Hopefully he’s checking the messages and telling you why I’m not responding or calling, but if not, now you know why. 

Tour’s going great besides the fact that I MISS YOU terribly. When are you coming to visit me? I’ve gotten you loads of presents already and the boys are calling me whipped :) I’m not though, I just love you. We have soundcheck in a few minutes and then we’re on in two hours. I’m fucking nervous, what if I mess up? I wish you were here to calm me down about it.

Love you, miss you, hope to see you soon!

XOXO, your loving boyfriend

M I C H A E L :


I know I’m not the most loving boyfriend, and I don’t show affection all that much, but I’m feeling mushy this morning and you look really pretty sleeping next to me and I just felt like I had to write this letter. 

Once when you had gotten a lot of hate you asked me why I even loved you. At the time, I didn’t know. But I realise now that I could write a thousand essays with a thousand pages each and I still wouldn’t have covered the topic, or whatever stupid thing it is teachers say.

The way you laugh makes me laugh. The way you talk gives me those stupid fucking butterflies in my stomach every time. I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t ever stop thinking about you. 

When you get this note, I hope you smile, because I’ll be smiling too. I’ll probably have left for the studio, but I wanna know whether you like the note. 

Maybe I’ll be late just this once. 

Mikey <3

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