Your best friend in the band

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(And you’re dating/liking another member)


“Tell me why Cal can’t just teach you FIFA? Like that bullshit ‘hey baby let me teach you’ kinda thing?” Luke asks, kicking your ass again in the game. You sigh, rubbing your forehead because you’re irritated with the fact you can’t just get this fucking game and because of your idiocy that landed you in this situation. “I kind of told him I loved the game when we first met.” Luke starts laughing at you and you hit him in the chest, “I was starstruck okay?! And besides, I had no idea we would ever play it. So when he said it was date night for tonight, I was like shit and found you.” “Well, I’m happy to help. You’re getting better. Way better. And I’m sure Cal won’t mind. First date lies don’t really count anyway.” The two of you play for two more hours when you finally beat him. You cheer in surprise and excitement and lunge over to hug him. Since your timing is awful, that’s when Cal walks in. “What’s going on here…” He kind of drawls, waiting for an explanation. Luke pulls away from you and says, “I was just teaching Y/N how to play FIFA.” “I thought you said-” “I know.” You blurt, “I know and I lied because I kinda wanted to be cool and I’m sorry.” “Aww, Y/N I would’ve taught you.” He pouts playfully, pushing Luke over to sit next to you. “I wanted to be good. Luke’s been teaching me. I could probably kick your ass now.” You grin. Cal eyes you with a competitive look and grabs Luke’s controller, “Oh you’re on.”


“Thanks for coming to the party with me, Y/N. I really appreciate it.” Luke says in your ear as the two of you walk into Michael’s house for a New Years Eve party, late because of a Panda Express run. Unfortunately for you, the two of you aren’t dating. You’re too chickenshit to say anything about liking him more than friends so you’re stuck in the friend zone. Realizing this, you nod and decide to go to the kitchen to get a drink. You’re not a big drinker, but why not? You’re on your third cup of crappy keg beer when Michael finds you. “Woah, whatya doing there?” He takes it from you. You pout, tipsy because you’re a lightweight, “Drinking.” You say in a “duh” tone. Mike, your best friend besides Luke, takes a sip from your cup. “No shit. Why?” “I’m single, and Luke doesn’t like me.” You go to grab another cup but he takes it. “I have a plan.” He says with a smirk. ‘Wha-” You don’t get a chance to finish when you’re being dragged to the center of the living room. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Luke talking to Cal and Ash. You wave but then Mike wraps his arms around your waist as the people start doing the countdown at 10. Are you already at the countdown? Wow… You’re distracted by Mike slowly leaning into you. “5. 4. 3-” Michael is suddenly pushed away from you, and in the possibly the smoothest move ever, Luke twirls you into his chest, cups your face and kisses you at “One.” Thank god… you think as you kiss him back.


“Mikey, come dance with me.” You kinda-ask-but-more-like-order as you stand up from your guys’ booth at the club you and 5sos are eating and drinking at for no real reason. You feel fabulous about yourself: your makeup looks fantastic, your dress accentuates your curves, and it feels like a good day to be you. “I dunno Y/N.” He says and it kinda pisses you off. Maybe it’s because of the alcohol you’ve been drinking or the fact he never wants to do anything ever, you feel your face get hard. “Fine.” You turn your attention from him, “Any of you guys want to dance?” Calum and Luke look over at your boyfriend but Ashton doesn’t and agrees. You lead him to the dance floor. You both casually move your hips together to the music. You and Ash were always pretty close, and this kind of dancing wouldn’t change that. When your favorite club song comes on, you gasp and tell Ashton, “Oh my god I love this song!” It was kind of your weakness and you just get really, really into it. Before you know or even recognize what you’re doing, you twirl around so your back is to Ashton’s front and you’re dancing… suggestively. You suddenly get pulled away from him and lead to the bathroom of the club. You fight back until you realize it’s Mike and you cringe. He leans you against the wall. “What did you think you were doing?” He asks, voice raspy and low, eyeing you up and down. “Well you weren’t dancing with me and my song came on-” You get cut off by his lips pressing to yours harshly. “I think we might have to do a different kind of dancing.” He smirks. “That’s so cheesy-” And then he’s wrapping your legs around his hips and you stop thinking about how cheesy that was.


“Alright boys… and Y/N, let’s play!” You and 5sos had 5 hours before one of their concerts and decided to play some soccer/football. Well, Michael decided to sit out because he’s lazy and so you could play. The teams are you and your boyfriend Ashton versus Cake. You and Cal are the best of each team because you both played a ton when you were younger, and it was one of the things that made you guys great friends.. Luke accidentally trips you trying to get the ball and you land on your hands. “Shit, Y/N are you alright?” They all run to you and Ash helps you up. “I’m fine, seriously.” And you are. Well, until Cal accidentally kicks the ball and it goes straight for your face. You shoot your arm up and, unknowingly, hit your hairline fracture so it breaks your bone. The pain is instantaneous and you collapse on the ground. “Y/N! Oh my god.” Ashton immediately kneels to your side as the other boys all come over. “It hurts, Ash.” You whimper; it’s painful as hell. “I’m so sorry Y/N-” Calum says sincerely when your boyfriend suddenly stands and shoves him hard. “What the fuck, Cal? You hurt Y/N!” Ashton fumes. Luke quickly pulls him away and you try to stand. “It’s not Cal’s fault! I should’ve ducked.” With your good hand, you hold Ashton’s. He noticeably relaxes and apologizes, “Sorry, mate.” “It’s all good.” Calum says. “Do you think it’s broken?” Mike asks, looking at your arm. “I dunno. It just hurts.” It’s like a mixture of a stinging and smoldering pain. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”

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